
"Previous commitment in the feature world" according to his Twitter.

Fakee Credit

I'm Senor Chang!!! / And I'm so ill / This is a warning I can't be killed / All in your cabeza / Without a chaser / The only Professor with this much flavour / CHANG!

Sincere answer: probably. I think for most people, at least. Depends on if you would agree with the assertion that you laugh harder at standup comedy you like when you see it performed live, or laugh harder at comedy movies you like in a theatre full of other people enjoying them.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Rick's moral ambiguity has been a huge theme! They've been beating that drum so goddamn hard, this season and in seasons past. Rick is not an "unambiguously Good Guy," not in the show's POV. To sincerely think that is insanity.

I think she's had the baby already, actually. She's been showing all this season. Most of her shots have been from the clavicle up, and in her full body shots she's wearing really bulky clothing. They've been doing a very good, non-obvious job of hiding it.

It's been said a couple times now, but The Shield absolutely defies your point.


"Filler" is just the worst, most meaningless term. You really have to tune out any comment that drops it.

This comment is gonna be rendered pointless pretty quick, I'm assuming, but just a heads up — this review isn't appearing on the front page or anywhere on the TV CLUB page for me. I had to look up Les Chappell's twitter to find a link.

His episode of You Made It Weird even more so. He says on it that he's pretty sure if he used heroin again, he would die.

I'm familiar enough with Robert John Burke that I wouldn't confuse him with anybody else, but objectively, I do see the similarities. Still, though, he's awesome and I hope he pops up again.

Robert John Burke is another great actor that fits Banshee perfectly. I've said it before, I'm sure I'll say it again — awesome casting on this show.

Nicely said.

These are great reviews, usually, and this one is pretty good, but a few issues with it:

Coming at this show on logic grounds just doesn't make sense. I guess it's kind of interesting that you've put some thought into the very specific ways you're willing to suspend disbelief, but come on. The problem isn't that it's unrealistic, if that was the problem it would have been the problem all along. The

Love the show, loved the rest of the episode, but the award for Least Shocking Death Ever goes to Banshee.

Hey, I hope you're right. I have a feeling we're both going to be disappointed, though.

If that was like any of the video game shops I've been to, there would be nothing in that Forza case. That would have just been for display purposes. An actual copy with a disc would be locked behind the counter.

I don't think they'll kill Rebecca either. I actually hope Proctor dies before she does. I think an extended run of her struggling to take over her uncle's business could be good.