
Yeah, looks like that's going to be the case, which I'm sad about. I mean, there's little to no chance that Hood is going to end up quietly resigning, and the easiest way to make him not have to is have Siobhan die.

I gotta give it up, that's pretty compelling context. You're right.

I understood she was getting bad news, but not about what specifically until she told Phillip later. Was there some additional context that should have tipped us that it was a recording talking about how her mom was dying?

I would certainly never defend my POV as being correct or right, it's just kind of how I feel. Phillip and Elizabeth are generally more caring and decent people than those two examples, so I guess it comes down to their cause. It turns out I'm more sympathetic to someone causing collateral damage in the name of

Could be it says something weird about my psychology, but while I like this show a lot, I really have trouble empathizing with Phillip and Elizabeth. When they kill people like the security guard in season 1, or all those soldiers in season 2, I am bothered by it in a way I am not bothered by Vic Mackey shooting Terry

Didn't think to do that. Doing that now.

Reg E. Cathey, Zeljko Ivanek, Denis O'Hare. When it comes to casting Hood's law enforcement adversaries, this show has the best taste.

Behind the scenes fact: that's the wife of Executive Producer and frequent director Greg Yaitanes.

Yup. And in the very first episode, Brock mentions Camp Genoa as part of his introductory tour of the town.

The other funny "make her look Native" touch is the choker necklace she always wears.

I don't think you need True Blood in that recipe at all. Spartacus has "the naked parts" covered.

January 20th.

But it still has two of those three things.

It's about time the AVclub started paying attention to the best show ever.

Some bad guys named Crowder have got it pretty good as well.

And that's Strike Team Bingo!

I'm sure they're gonna get there. This latest showrunner has shown himself to be pretty respectful of the source material. Under his watch, they've been making a concerted effort to mine from the comic a lot more. They're even going back and using elements they skipped over. Rick running over Bob in this episode was

Seriously. She's embarrassingly bad on that show.

Some pedantry: This time last season he was having Tara followed everywhere she went and not letting her be alone with Abel and Thomas. Then she successfully escaped with them at the end of episode 12. The closest he got to plotting his wife's death was in the finale, when he told the club he would talk to her and

Characters and storylines do carry over in a pretty major way, but it's not insurmountable. You could jump in and be fine. It establishes the world and the current state of the world reasonably well.