
In the multiplayer, you're always playing as Arno. What the devs were actually considering was having the other player-controlled assassins appear less generic, including making some of them female. Instead, they all look the same, except with different colored cloaks.

"In this case, Telltale says, any one decision has the chance to ripple outward and affect the lives of your other characters."

Outside of this video, my favorite example of Michael Shannon going nuts is this:

"This is the first time in maybe the entire run of the series where I don’t dread spending time with anyone in the cast." I agree with this, and that's pretty crazy for this show. I remember in Season 2 I literally hated every character except Daryl and maybe Rick.

Kurt Sutter was actually the only writer, besides creator Shawn Ryan, to work on all seven seasons of The Shield. He wrote some great episodes, and he was behind some of the show's most iconic moments. For example, it was his idea to kill a certain character with a grenade, rather than a shot to the head.

It's very convoluted and stupid. I don't know if you want a real answer or not, but I'll give you one anyway.

I think the distinction is meaningful. It's safe to conclude Nolan honestly doesn't like post-credit stingers, and that he advised Snyder not to include one. And if he said not to include one because he didn't like them, then I don't think anyone would take offense. That's his prerogative and opinion, which is fair.

I'm with you. A SOA civil war would have been a far superior and less repetitive way to go.

This may have already been covered, but I actually muttered "good" when Bobby was shot. The Sons should have to suffer some serious consequences for all their bullshit this season. Until that moment, Marks had been nothing but up-front with Jax ever since he took over. I would have been annoyed if his only response to

Okay, I'll do this without slinging mud, so there's no need to sling mud back. No need for any more "Well excuse me if…" or "Says the guy who…" No need to point fingers and say who started it. Lets just talk about what we're talking about. Here we go.

His point, when he incorrectly gave that statistic (whether he made it up purposely or made a mistake) was that Islamists who believe in killing apostates were "not an outlier." Whether the Egyptian percentage is 90 or 64, they are still a majority, and thus, it's an example of them being not an outlier. The point

Well I'm beginning to see the problem, at least. You just don't understand how context works. I said his point basically stands whether the number is 90 or 64, and you somehow think I said "90 and 64 are the same thing." That's why you can read that Maher quote and think it's the "EXACT THING" as what you said.

Maybe Bill Maher is becoming the Frank Miller of liberal talk show hosts. Could be. I'm just trying to get you to realize that you're not acting as poised and rational as you may think you're acting.

That it is. And if you read Mulaney's interviews, he never claims to be satirizing anything. The confusion comes from the way he constantly claims to be doing something "weird." But in context, he means the content of his show is weird. Like, it's super weird to have Nasim Pedrad sing about a dead old guy's apartment,

He got the statistic wrong. But still, your stance was that he said every single Muslim ("ALL OF THEM") believe in killing apostates. So if you concede that he said "90 per cent of Egyptians" and not "100 per cent of the world," you also have to concede that you're being hysterical. Or to put it a nicer way, you're

Thankfully this article said upfront that it was not going to lie, because otherwise I might have suspected it was going to lie.

Maybe in his heart, Bill Maher truly does believe that every single Muslim wants to kill apostates and abuse women. But that's not what he's saying in those quotes.

You may be right about Bill Maher's beliefs, Ham Rove. In fact, I kinda think you are. I'm mostly with you. Bill Maher is overly critical of the followers of Islam in a way that makes me uncomfortable. But the quotes you're posting don't prove what you think they prove. Michael O'Day is right about the context, you're

They hand-waved the Lin thing by having Nero say "The Triads won't bother with retaliation this far north." Which is awfully convenient.

In this shared universe, there are two women who look and act exactly the same, and they both live in Chicago. I can't wait until they get into the cloning backstory.