No but the servers will be, so not sure who other than a few whales would be purchasing them.
No but the servers will be, so not sure who other than a few whales would be purchasing them.
Gave you a star, but I hate exclusivity (though not enough to waste energy yelling about it or review bombing). I bought all the pc games I could that didn’t require a platform (mostly because I’m old and platforms didn’t exist until steam and others started building them).
I’m going to simply wait for it to hit steam. I’m in no rush to play it even though I’m a Borderlands junkie. Not going to waste any energy or time shouting from the rooftops that I’m pissy about waiting 6 months because I don’t want or need another installer (one that is mostly awful and has shit security).
Yes. Though it was buffed a bit. Still trash though.
They are class of mod. Red is usually offensive (+crit or +headshot dmg, etc).
TD1 is now usually on sale regularly for $7.50-$15.00 and worth it. Story in 1 is better, but the dynamic world in 2 is better.
Loved / hated Div1, but wife and I put in combined 1500 hours (heh). TD2 is already better in most respects. Needs some tuning and some changes, but the dynamic open world roaming is really, really good. I get sidetracked about 85% of the time going to my next activity because something is always happening along the…
Got to play some tonight and did Tidal Basin. It’s good. The strongholds are really good, and TB is the best one yet.
I use assault turret to keep enemies in check, and healing chem launcher with my chest that has Berserker talent (+damage based on how much of your armor is missing).
Wife and I got our Div2 copies from buying new Ryzen cpus. Would have bought the game anyway (1500 combined hours in Div1), but would have bought direct from Uplay, not Steam.
My main character is in endgame and I did it almost entirely solo (played some with friends here and there, but majority solo). Second character I play exclusively with my wife.
We’ve been coop partners for 17 years. She is as excited for new games as I am ;).
Everyone likes what they likes ;). If the endgame is engaging and interesting, then I’m for the grind (Path of Exile, Diablo 3, WoW, etc). Div1 had a bad endgame that wasn’t fixed until 1 year later (or more) and never engaged me. Diablo 3 took 18+ months I think but eventually gave us rift system, and I played the…
Nope, cannot agree. Borderlands, Division, etc are great and I love the loot grind loop as long as the loop is fun, engaging.
Wife and I quit when the forge was released as well, but not because of power level and such. We quit because they forced everyone to buy the entire season pass all at once instead of breaking it up into $10-15 chunks.
This is it for me. I’ve finally hit endgame in Div2 but there’s still so much for me to do as the world is so dynamic and mostly random to where I hit L30 and only did about half of the major activities. I just slow walked everywhere and did activities as I happened upon them while heading to another activity.
Bungie, is that you?
Which is one of Division 2's major problems for me (and others on pc) with the seizure inducing fuzzies whenever you open a menu or use your specialized weapon, along with having to double click everything.
Played both Anthem “demos” and was already really excited as I’d followed the game for a couple of years. Got a free copy when I bought an RTX 2060 for my wife’s new pc, and 2x copies of Division 2 for buying us both Ryzen cpus. (we both played about 1500 combined hours over the last two years in Div 1 so was already…
Honestly, I don’t care about the politics or morality of the game. I just want to shoot bad guys and get better loot, rinse and repeat.