
This. I have a 13 year badge and I’ve never seen any of these games that make the news for all the wrong reasons. Hell, I’ve barely curated anything in all those years. I have 7 items on my wishlist and maybe 3 or 4 I’ve picked as “maybe interested” but for the most part, I just go through the main page and check the

I’ve lived most of my 45 years in Idaho and I knew what a steaming pile of racist shit he was 30 years ago as well. Yet he still got almost half of the votes for president. It's not a good sign for future events.

And yet... Still not f2p...

Evil lefty checking in!

Very wise. I just bought MH World and Far Cry 5 last week for cheap, both have been out almost a year, and both have been patched enough to give me an enjoyable experience.

Destiny 2 was FAR better than this steaming pile at launch. D2 played great, had excellent stability and framerate, was good in just about everything until you hit level cap and entered endgame (where it was a barren wasteland with little to do beyond the initial raid).

Felt the same right before Destiny 2 and bought it on launch day. It’s the major reason why I’m waiting 3-6 months before using my free key from buying a 2060 rtx to install and play it.

Yep, 3x black widow mech keyboards here (hot them at super price 3 years ago). Thankfully, kb are about the same for mechanicals, but mice... Mice are very individual in terms of my preferences. Really loving the g502 hero.

I basically only install their shit software to get the drivers then immediately uninstall. I have begun to really hate their products after a few hardware failures and the hassle Razer gives trying to get resolution. Slowly replacing all of my Razer gear with Logitech/SteelSeries.

Typically my wife and I wait until the first DLC drops, as it always includes a major patch to fix a lot of the launch issues. We got D2 “free” for buying 2x Ryzen cpus (R 2600x + R7 2700x), but we’re still heavy into Far Cry 5 & MH World (and civ6 for her, and I can finally play Witcher 3 at more than 40fps lol), so

Played some more last night on pc, had these same sound issues, missions borking and couldn't be completed, etc. Though I will say I had a lot of fun as it was good Division game play that I liked in D1.

We’re on pc, but I’ve seen both ubi and reddit forums full of fire and ire for ps4 and xbone as well. It works well for some, not so well for others.

Like Anthem, D2 is a hot mess still. Couldn’t get past the character creation screen until about an hour ago, and it plays just as badly in terms of optimization and sluggish feel as Anthem’s two “demos.” It’s messy, bulky, and has little of the feel of D1 (wife and I have about 1500 combined hours in D1).

Wife and I bought it last week from Uplay since it was $15 (spent my $5 gift @ Steam to buy MH World for us, so now we have 2 coop games to play together until Division 2 & Anthem are a few months old and have some major patches).

Huh, you must have played an alternate universe Anthem because I did more than just run here to kill enemies then run somewhere else to kill enemies.

Literally? No. Looks nothing like Destiny, plays nothing like Destiny.

Played both weekends, and I would says it's closer to The Division than Diablo or WF. I'm interested enough that I'll pick it up when it's $10 or so (Division is $5 now in Uplay store lol).

Yep, agree on all points. It’s proof (to me, anyway) that this is a console-first, pc-afterthought design. At least Destiny UI for PC was altered for us lowly mouse-kb plebes.

Thought the same thing after last week’s disaster demo. This week, totally different since I actually got to play and found a way to make flying feel good (swimming is still worse than an exploded anal fistula after drinking hot sauce).

This. It's like fucking inception-level shit in the menus on pc.