John Norris (AngryDrifter)

What you’re talking about really isn’t capitalism. The thing that makes me most sad about Uber and Lyft is that both platforms began as the purest example of capitalism we’ve seen in decades, but like the rest of the free market have lost their way. When Uber was introduced, it was viewed as a platform to enable

The market most definitely does dictate wages. Jobs that anybody can just walk into from the streets with minimal training will of course favor the employer (unless the job market is really tight).

But the market does dictate price and since Uber and Lyft both lose money at current ride share prices how can wages possibly be further increased by Lyft or Uber? You're asking for ridiculous things.

No one forces anyone to be a rideshare driver.

I don’t see how this is going to work. There will be far too many drivers who don’t strike, and too many people who still use the app. Will just result in price hikes for two hours. Don’t know if Uber/Lyft workers have the same collective strength as a factory, but we’ll see.

LOVED Gen 1!

That is just too easy :)

If I had a ton of cash, I would buy one of the replica first gen bodies and build myself a totally new ‘69 Camaro with a modern LS drivetrain. My dream is that in a few years, the Camaro will still be around to buy new, and it will actually look good, so I will have two cars to pick from next time. I seriously doubt

Just gotta jump in here and clear some things up.

Every EV tax credit signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.

Even the youngest comrades must contribute.

When he kept getting away with it he kept doing it the same way.

When he kept getting away with it he kept doing it the same way. That probably led to his capture.”  it doesn’t sound that way.  she didn’t go to the police with her suspicions so they could trap him when he came back one night.  they got him when they chased him & he crashed into a pole.

“If it wasn’t for those meddling kids I would have gotten away with it!” *shakes fist*

Because Texas is automatically exempt from complying with ADA. Just because it’s Texas.

We have that service in the SF Bay Area.  It was so bad the local CBS affiliate did an investigation and found the contractor was taking 2+hours for a less than 10 mile run while overcharging the transit district.  This scam was going on for years.

I imagine being a career criminal is like having an addiction to gambling. They don’t think they will get caught and keep doing it until their luck runs out.

I imagine he's satisfied at how long he got away with it.

Unless you’re a pro racer, reducing your time on a track is equally as useful as juggling. But people learn to juggle, shave off seconds on track, make card castles, and drift, because they enjoy it.

No one can touch Alfa and its image Tipo 33 Stradale...most beautiful car EVER !!!