
Twitter’s translation feature reads: “Former CIA directors John Brennan and Michael Hayden, former FBI director James Komi and his deputy Andrew McCabe, former director of the National Intelligence James Clapper, ex-adviser on Homeland Susan Rice are forgiven for access to classified materials. Welcome to the real

It would certainly look that way, would’t it? Just how out in the open it is and the fact that there are so many that just don’t care; it’s rage stroke inducing.

I know this isn’t related, but it looks pretty important.

If there is anything that can brighten my day, it’s Amber Ruffin.  Like, I have never seen a celeb that I have had a stronger desire to be best friends with.

It’s clear that she knows for a fact that the tape of him saying it exists, if not has heard it herself.

Of all the places that I would think where the State House has the balls and moral fortitude to pull this off, West Va sat pretty low on that list. Hopefully, other states will take notes.

Even if they make me feel the need to get all 27 DLC’s EACH for EU IV and Crusader Kings II. But I guess that’s why Lord Newell invented steam sales.

For people saying that she is bashing centrists.

the resolution cited Trump’s “disturbing treatment of women and other actions that do not meet the shared values of the City of West Hollywood, the region, state, and country”

I really feel for this man. Maybe this will cause him to reconsider his political allegiances cause it sounds like the values of Sikhism and the GOP don’t exactly line up (emphasis mine):

I’m just happy I’m not alone. And I didn’t even have to squint.

I made a similar comment in a previous article. It definitely sounds like M83's work and if it is, I pray that they did the soundtrack for the show. But it’s not My Tears Are Becoming a Sea, at least not in its original format. But you are right, that song (and Outro) take a trailer or scene from great to epic.

And yet, I don’t get tired of this shot. It does what it is supposed to, which is why all these directors keep doing it: it’s striking and beautiful.

I was waiting all morning for someone around here to do this write up. So thank you.

As a lover of all cheese, I would love for someone to prove me wrong about the moon and bring me cheese. Hope its “funky”


I see very little room for interpretation in that tweet being anything other than publicly displayed obstruction of justice. 

I used to have a professor that used to say that the beautiful thing about statistics was that you could make them support any view you want, as long as you know which words and models to use. 

Can we stop telling the lie that Betsy DeVos has the best interest of this nation’s students at heart?