
I would say that I agree. But I’m an Eagles fan; the statement doesn’t hold 100% true, for me.

This is what I needed this morning.

This deserves more stars

Oh, you know it was on purpose.

Should the US come to it’s senses and decide to load this entire administration into an Elon Musk rocket and fire it into the sun for....”research purposes”... John Kelly would not be exempt. No matter how uncomfortable he looks when Trump opens his mouth.

That’s what I’m talking about.

I’m not sure that either of these will take the title (too early to say).

This is a much needed sliver of goodness on yet another darkest timeline Monday.


You are absolutely right.

Oh, don’t get me wrong. I’m glad he is pitching in resources . And, like I said, he is a brilliant mind.

Can Elon just fuck off already?

Never a good idea to assume. Some of us would have no trouble in consuming $80 worth of sushi by themselves :D

I don’t recall suggesting “Keeping good people disarmed”. Please, point that one out for me. 

None of that has anything to do with my comment.

No, but they have their PAC battle any suggestion that would increase the chances of preventing something like this. That makes them complicit.

1) Great video

Oh, I did not realize how much I needed that.

Ugh, I had almost forgotten about this monstrosity. How did they go from something unique and neat looking like the Firespray class to THIS.