Remember that time when Jesse Watters’ was called out for his lack of ethics by a bunch of high school kids?
this guy is trash but journey is amazing with no irony
“Exploitive” is the perfect word to describe this and every other segment Bill O’Reilly has about black people. If he cared so much about black homelessness and “black on black” crime, then why doesn’t he donate to programs that work to combat these problems? Simple answer: he doesn’t give a fuck. Bullies like to pick…
“It’s really hard when you see people without homes, and money to buy food and .. that they could possibly die from that,” MY NEW HERO.
increase in homelessness really more due to human anal bead rudy guiliani and human dick ring michael bloomberg deregulating apartment rent stabilization and turning a blind eye to developers illegally evicting tenants
These fox scum bags do not give one solitary fuck about these people. This has got to be the most exploitative thing I’ve seen on here in a long time.
First of all, who appointed you global problem ranker? Second, unlike a lot of problems, this one has a pretty simple solution: just house Trans women prisoners with the women prisoners. Quick, simple, and the only added costs are in educating prison workers. Third, why do you begrudge injustice being lowered for…
Well, no clue if my other comment will show up because it’s ‘pending approval’, so I’ll post this one up just to be safe.
In situations like that, there should be different policies for non-violent and violent offenders. This shouldn’t have anything to do with protecting transwomen from cismen or protecting ciswomen from transwomen. Violent and dangerous offenders are violent and dangerous offenders regardless of gender and they should…
A society should be judged by how we treat the “least” of our issues.
He’s the best at getting to an issue and making so everyone can understand. Even gamergate trolls on his twitter just kind of gave up and realized he’s awesome.
Stop explaining yourself, Bristol. We don’t care that you’re having another baby out of wedlock! Honest! You do you. I was more concerned with the fact that the birth announcement literally made it sound like you just found out you have terminal cancer.
Paul Lynde, Uncle Arthur on Bewitched, was very barely closeted. I know his legacy is a troubling one to many young gay and lesbian people. But he was a very nearly out man on one of the most popular TV shows of the 60s.
Why do you respond to criticism at all? (Especially since it so clearly bothers you and gets deep under your skin?) In the world of professional writing, that’s a pretty huge no no. You let your critics criticize, and you keep your mouth shut, unless those criticisms are somehow actually damaging to you—because you alw…