She forgot her umbrella-ella-ella.
She forgot her umbrella-ella-ella.
Yes! I can feel sorry for her and still think she is not that great of a person.
The birther movement was started, and persisted, for one reason and one reason only and that is because Obama is black. The anti-Trump rhetoric is rooted in a dozen of legitimate reasons: his attacks on Americans of all races, religions and social classes; his misogyny; his bigotry; his blatant corruption; his…
Yeah fuck all those people whose livelihoods depend on the studios putting out movies on a regular basis. What a bunch of assholes, wanting to have food for their kids and maybe go on a nice trip someday.
Like a strawberry or raspberry.
Michael Che is a moronic dickhead but this is not the reason why.
It’s a good thing he’s paid to say things other people have written. It seems when left to his own devices, he gives us cringe-worthy tank tops, and this.
We’ve had shitty governments before. Enough of the doom and gloom, start thinking about what you want and how to help achieve it. Start now, because elections are in less than two years.
You’ve changed.
This is great. Brought a smile to my face until I remembered that football dog will now suffer a series of undiagnosed concussions and take his own life in the parking lot outside a Petsmart. /2016
I want to say this was the start, this is patient zero.
In my opinion, the movie is fucking awful. The subject matter is praise-worthy, but the entire movie is one dumb stereotype after another. And to make things worse, the entire time ou can feel the writers thinking, “man, we are so deep here!”
Go home, you’re drunk. Crash isn’t even as good as the other Crash.
We call that Freedom Foam.
You should totally call. That’s ridiculous and if there was an emergency (which isn’t completely unheard of at a gym), that could be the difference between someone surviving or dying.
‘The weight ranges between half and two times your body weight, but starting light is better’. Am I understanding this right, you want me to carry half of my 180 lbs up to twice that? That seems like a lot?
Spoiler alert: it’s not going to get better for them. It’s been downhill for them since the Reagan administration, but they keep voting for the folks that ship their jobs overseas, bankrupt their pensions, pull their social safety nets, etc. Asking for sympathy while shooting yourself in the foot really only…
Excess anything masturbation and porn can have a negative effect on your overall well being.
Jesus, just ask her “Is it safe?” How hard is that?
I write all my own music