I could give a rat’s ass about either Batman or The Flash, but they made Kara Zor-El look fucking epic. That’s what I’m going to see.
I got an even creepier vibe when later she talked about they became “good friends” and would talk at 4 am all the time. I hope she had an actual friend to tell her what he was doing...
Chris Rock once said that you’ll know there’s really been a change when black people are allowed to be successful while still being mediocre like so many white people. Well, Chris, I give you the career of Tim Story!
“hit movie”?
But it was always and still is A FUN FILM!
It’s means your Jill Biden-apologist head is up your ass to think that the problem is with the person who was insulted.
Seriously. It’s obvious and all this other shit is just embarrassing.
I guess all those cops that shot unarmed black people were innocent too. Thanks for setting us all stupid motherfucker.
You did not just say that bullshit on a site aimed at POC’s. Are you that fucking stupid or do you just suck Jackson family balls that much?
It will forever amaze me that both No Strings Attached and What Happens in Vegas both made over $100M worldwide. Hell, What Happens in Vegas made $200M. Even Just Married crossed the $100M mark. Personally, I think the women (Natalie Portman, Cameron Diaz) made it happen, but still they count as wins for him too.
You should give the sequel a look. It’s a 180-degree turnaround. It’s basically a road trip musical. All the sordidness from the initial film was washed away for some silly fluff. I enjoyed it much more than the first film.
Yeah. It ain’t that great. And this is from a man who owns the Criterion Edition. It occupies the space it does because honestly, what the fuck else do we have? Both Boomerang and love jones are mediocre films, but there’s really nothing else. Without them the most romantic moment onscreen between two black actors in…
If money were enough to take the amount of shit they were getting he wouldn’t have left to begin with.
You do realize that this is them hitting back, right? That they are responding to non-stop attacks from a centuries old institution that is the definition of toxic? They weren’t just living a happy quiet life and decided, “Hey, let’s stir up some shit.”
Except Black Adam has never been a Superman foe to the point his debut was set up in the first Shazam movie, because that’s where the character comes from. Why else does he think the wizard Shazam is in both movies?
Black man here. Both you and Chris Brown can go fuck yourselves.
This lost all credibility when Slade Wilson was listed so low.
I don’t spend time with them but I am on the fitness interwebs and it’s that level of crazy all the time.
It’s the absolute refusal to accept any other possibility that’s the problem. It’s projecting one’s own insecurities onto another. “I could never look like that doing nothing so neither can you!”