Angrier Geek

Frequent Twitter quitter Armie Hammer allegedly thinks he should’ve been Batman

It was a smokescreen for her going in for treatment to determine her new meds. He was never ill.

I think that applies to a lot of them. Some actors are only as good as their material and/or director

Kate Beckinsale’s twitter feed is always funny and the actual instagram post is no exception.

Because from now on, I think we should just refer to all displays of all-white clothing in department stores as the “Lattimore.”

Because it’s one of the major cultural centers on the face of the earth?

Criticizing silly shit like petitions is fine; but saying no one can criticize this show until they can do better is utterly ridiculous and that’s what you wrote.

No, you can’t spell fanatic without “fan” but insisting that no one can criticize something unless they can do it better is the dumbest fucking argument ever. By that logic Gordon Ramsey can serve me a burnt steak but until I get 16 Michelin stars of my own I can’t say anything.

No Soviet Union means no Crimson Dynamo or Titanium Man,

You haven’t been listening very closely. But it’s just your usual movie star adultery. Nothing as troublesome as this.

There’s no point in the film where her physique is on display so we really don’t know. However this shot of her back she posted on instagram shows there was definitely work put in.

Her feet are not “visibly touching the floor” as they are literally not visible as they are out of frame when she descends. You can critique her form (all the leg wiggling), but to say you see her feet touch is an outright falsehood.


How exactly could you tell given literally everything was covered but her face no matter what she was wearing (casual clothes, flight suit, Kree Uniform)? And this is a back to be proud of:

There’s one valuable component missing here: what was she eating?

Being able to move your own bodyweight around is one of the hardest things you can do. Why do you think burpees are so difficult?

With a post credits scene setting up the next Marvel film.

I grew up in the Atlanta suburbs at that time and like any child I was convinced it would never happen to me so much so that I refused to take the bus service home that instituted to protect me. Needless to say my parents had a fit and I took to the bus until he was convicted.

Perceptive, because that’s exactly what DiDio did.

Honestly, I felt that was more about the album than MJ himself. You could separate the dancer from the dance, the artist from the man. And before you ask, the difference between him and R. Kelly is that MJ wasn’t signing about raping little boys. R. Kelly was flat out making songs about underage girls.