Yes, BUT THIS IS FICTION, not a documentary.
Yes, BUT THIS IS FICTION, not a documentary.
You left out “People Who Don’t Believe For A Moment That Either Is Straight, But Respect They’ve Found Something That Works For Them.”
They’ve only got about 2 years of continuity “burdening” them. Due to the whole New 52/Rebirth set up there really isn’t any kind of “defined” continuity any longer because it’s clear everything has been changed by Dr. Manhattan. Jor-El’s presence proves this. So this is lowering the water rather than raise the bridge…
Yeah, I’m trying to follow my edict about waiting out a storyline, but the death of Kandor then Lois & Jon leaving stinks of a “soft reboot.”
You must mean her throne as princess, because no one has ever topped the queen:
I’m kinda stuck at 46-year-old grandmother...
I stand corrected. I was wrong. I clearly didn’t understand your point. And honestly I still don’t.
“In 2015, the CW’s Arrow series reimagined previously straight Mr. Terrific as a gay black man.”
I disagree. That he compared it to Arrow the show, not Arrow the character makes that clear. Pretty sure Oliver Queen is still straight and white.
If you mean the black man who raised him after his dad went prison, his black daughter whom Flash married, his black son who became Kid Flash and the Latino who made his Flash suit and is a superhero in his own right, then yeah, Flash has got some friends who are of color.
The CW’s Flash remains as white and straight as Mike Pence’s lapel.
I wouldn’t be surprised if someone tried to used a mili-second of him with a big mustache as addressing it.
Plate smashing that screams “OSCAR”
No, I get that. It’s just not even a hint of him being gay. Not one tiny hint.
What’s with Freddie Mercury and a girl? Not even a hint of the truth in that regard. I mean who do they think likes Queen that would want to see this that doesn’t know Mercury was gay?
Clearly you missed the famous “Tear of Selma” at the Oscars:
My mom uses it for cornbread. I use it for eggs and pancakes and to make turkey burgers edible.
Baking is the best way to get evenly cooked bacon. Also you don’t have to worry about splatter.