Angrier Geek

Speaking for my people...Delonte is a name that sadly belongs to us. Heaviest sigh.

You know Keaton couldn’t turn his head, right?

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I’ll tell you when it ended. It ended when they stopped that great series of commercials in the 90’s into the early 00’s. I could watch these all day.

The good news is that the first couple seasons of Murphy’s shows tend to be pretty entertaining.

So diverse that big city...

This. Is the greatest thing EVER!

On my planet we call such days “Mondays.”

Damn! You forgot to drop the mic!

Neither is the sketch.

Why should there be charges for her. He raped her.

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No. Chic is gone. When the rhythm section of an R&B band is gone, then that band is gone. He should have just released this under his name. RIP, Bernard Edwards & Tony Thompson.

And your point is!?! (runs from room crying)

But where's a drunk Jean Claude Van Damme hitting on Julie Brown?

"Then, there are people who are genuinely trying to sabotage you. The issue with any kind of personal change is that it threatens the status quo–something that most people, consciously or otherwise, will try to fight. This is no different for weight loss."

I find Mike Epps so utterly repellent that I would pay that muthafucka not to work and ruin otherwise good projects.

The very fact she's your wife means your smell is something she finds pleasing. The guy next to you in the elevator? Perhaps not so much. And there are "all natural" deodorants.

Speak for yourself. She has a hit song and while After Earth may have bombed, The Karate Kid was a huge hit and rumors has it he's being looked at to be Miles Morales, the African American Spider-Man. People seem to like them just fine.

Elizabeth Hurley flat out said she ate only soup after her baby her baby to lose the weight.

Yeah, because it's not like thinking with their dicks first and foremost had anything to do with it...

No, dipshit. Sperm motility starts dropping at 42, so if that had anything to do with it, that's when women would start losing interest in them. Especially younger women.