Angrier Geek

"Instead of a Wonder Woman movie, we’re getting yet another Superman reboot. Rather than make that cool Ms. Marvel movie everyone’s been dying to see, we get more Spider-Man movies because the universe apparently has not reached its critical mass of Spider-Man crap (there’s a musical, for fuck’s sake — enough

Pretty sure this ad is mocking him for being a loser. He even loses the video game.

Yeah, your argument died with Britney who is very much her equal and GaGa who doesn't belong on that list AT ALL.

It's amazing how they've gotten zero heat from it. I hope they sent McFarlane a nice fruit basket of at least a Starbuck's card.

These courageous Americans forced themselves to watch the entire halftime show despite clearly being offended the moment she stepped out. Why? So they could give an informed complaint.

Honestly, I had a crisis of conscience and stopped.

Well, that and at 20 seconds in it tells you it's fake...

It's also a lame movie.

Yes, those must be butt implants because it's not like that recent shot of her onstage is a freaking costume designed to emphasize her ass or that black is slimming or that a person's body changes as they get older. None of these things are true, so what you say is an uncontested fact.

Hardly. Everyone loves Dick Grayson except for Dan DiDio.


Waaaaahhhh! Someone doesn't like what you like. Waaaaahhhhh!

The story is an uncomfortable one (as Oedipal tales often are) — about how it's not always the best idea to fully indulge our every whim — with allusions of incest and lesbianism.

Madonna auctioned off the gear and costumes from her ill-fated MDNA tour for Sandy relief.

Exactly! Where the fuck is her animal suit!?!

I'm a little more interested in a 24-year-old woman between 41-year-old man and 38-year old man. But having a woman of color and over 35 (both of which Kerry Washington fulfills) might have caused the magazine to instantly catch flame.

Why don't you ask Courtney that considering her entire statement is based on "one upping" Gwen Stefani then putting her down.

Well now you do, moron.

What's funny is that she and Kurt were the flipside to Gavin & Gwen in the 90's. They were "real" while Bush was pop-grunge and No Doubt what unapologetically pop. Now where are they? Kurt's dead, Francis won't speak to her, while G&G are married multi-millionaires with kids. Guess who won?