Angrier Geek

Think of what Jon Favreau had done before Iron Man.

Original co-creators and showrunners Alfred Gough and Miles Millar

I know what it really is!

Okay, it's another Io9 list so I'm gonna do what we both know I'm gonna do, ask you why you create a criteria then ignore it to include films that don't belong which results in the omission of films that do belong? Technically, Frank is a cop... Then that's it! It's not a Spy-Fi movie, period. John Travolta is a

Letting Daredevil go is the right move because if you get The Fantastic Four, you get their history which is much better than Daredevil's whose primary villain, The Kingpin, was actually Spider-man's. Also, wouldn't they get The Black Panther too? I'd love for them to make it and humiliate the people who said they

I finish, but then again misery does love company.

Honestly, I'm not the biggest fan of Nolan's take on Batman, so it doesn't bother me. Just think of the stupid voice Nolan would have required for the character and suddenly you're okay with his absence.

People forget That Batman existed solo for a whopping 11 months before Robin showed up and his sales took off.

As someone who loves Robin/Nightwing more than he'll ever love Batman, I'm gonna go with "Ugh." Sorry.

1) That's awesome. This makes me look forward to it even more.

I've had no problem getting it which is shocking given my provider is TimeWarner Cable. And honestly it's been fine with the single exception of the swimming on Tuesday afternoon, which had buffering problems, so I went to the BBC1 feed.

These responses have been a wonderful display of snark. Thank you all for bringing a smile to my face.

The irony is, that's how he won last time. The other guy mistimed his reach to the wall.

Also, it's ugly.

$ x 3

Pro: Better to split it into two parts than try and shoehorn it into one movie (listen to Dawryn Cooke's sad New Frontier comments if you want to know how that works out)

I like how you try and downplay Synder's involvement when we all know he's the liability.

Let me get this straight: Lindsay can't keep her shirt on for a pretty much every photoshoot she's done for the last three years, but in a movie role—-which are rare for her these days—-where it's actually part of the story she's reluctant? Cocaine's a helluva drug, kids.

Ironically, the same could be said about the axes and the skulls.

You know you could easily call this "10 Things Not In The Star Trek Reboot Movie" right?