Angie Tribeca

I mean, do it once.  They don’t need to be all “Tea Party Voting to Repeal Obamacare 75,000 times” about it, but do it once to at least tell your voters you’re serious.  And when it fails, blame the President, and take the two-tiered approach.

She could have done nothing about it and passed some bills to help Indians instead.  That would have been great.

Read the article. 

Showed my wife of 6 years this clip a week or so ago. She looked at me like I was a monster.

Bernie isn’t funding down-ballot races!?!?! He’s an egomaniac and a devil!

the ACA could have been great, but damn, they took every republican concession on it and then not a single republican voted. We ended up with a completely castrated bill because of that.

They also gave in to Joe Fucking Lieberman and killed the public option.

He’s not hard to the left. He’s a standard issue Democrat. More left than would typically run in a red state like Texas but very much within the ken of other Dems.

Why doesnt he just go the Hillary route and pretend he’s helping down-ballot races before funneling the money back into his campaign? Worked for her lol

I mean, he could have chose to be a plumber. There are honorable ways to be covered in shit, TUCKER.

Have fun with it. You're not comfortable sharing your real personal details, but are you comfortable making up a fake persona and telling customers all about Max Powers?


I so did. 

Everybody else read that as “I dare you to find this restaurant and tell me to go fuck myself there, too” right?  

Tucker Carlson strikes me as this sort of restaurant patron. The restaurant closes at 9, he comes in at 8:55. He proceeds to harass his server with a random series of “gotcha” questions so he can complain the servers are incompetent. He then asks for another minute, takes ten, orders a cup of soup, proceeds to eat

Yeah but pets don’t absorb that in the same way that little kids do. Putting your dog in a sweater and snapping a social media pic isn’t going to impact his self-image. He’s not going to end up confused or conflicted about his own dog-ness.

It’s legal because those are the same people making the laws, and paying their friends to make them...

Probably one of those Belcher kids with their Could Chucks.

She was instrumental in preventing Bill from suffering for his treatment of women. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to ask her about a situation in which she was an active participant.

CouldChucks do sell!