Angie Tribeca

Their attention spans are so short they forget the start of the endorsement before they’ve even finished reading it, so no, they never notice.

Or Christopher Plummer.

Still better than a Wish Sandwich.

I’d complain about the mildly racist connotations, but I’m currently wearing my “Irish Drinking Team” shirt I bought in Dublin, so I’ll allow it.

This hasn’t gotten anywhere near enough stars.

Nah, those of us who accurately predicted the results of the election from several months ahead told the Clintonite morons they needed to embrace a worthwhile candidate or else they would lose. The shit-laden DNC decided to fuck over every last one of the excited voters who would heve backed them, in favor of a

Dude. Trolling can be entertaining, if you do it right, but this is just dumb. Try harder next time.

How the hell is it “underhanded”? SBC is offering these “people” a chance to confide their most disgusting thoughts, and they dive right in without a second thought. Anything that dribbles out of their shit-spewing mouths is 100% what they believe and work for. This is just about the only way anyone can get some

All the time. Dude was way into rap and hated to self-censor.

I miss the days of Analee and CJA, when this site featured thoughtful, intelligent takes on sci-fi, fantasy, and science.

No, it’s just for Nothing else.

So whether literally or figuratively, he defines progress as “turning things to shit”.

Ahem, “Among Two Bushes”.

But only on Thursday.

No, it doesn’t. It says Netflix ordered a season of a new series from the same creator.

Nah. This woman is clearly a hardcore badass who has toiled her whole life for the benefit of her family and her community. Even just glancing at her picture reveals that she has at least a thousand times the integrity and work ethic of the deranged “millionaire” Putin foisted upon this right-wing shit-hole of a

Addressing someone by a racial slur is not remotely similar to pointing out that one’s ancestors civilized the Western world.

Shame is, the Democrats will find some way to screw this up - they always do.

Honestly, I don’t think so. We only have two political parties of note here; one that’s actively seeking to destroy the country for the financial benefit of its donors, and one who is actively seeking to keep things in a constant downward trajectory for the financial benefit of its donors while pretending to be upset

Just a friendly reminder that as a go-go ‘80s Reaganaut, for two dollars, Paul Ryan would beat you with a pool cue till you got detached retinas.