Angie Tribeca

How, exactly, would Hillary have been better for these people?

Important to note: Even those with colorblindness are capable of learning the words “yellow” “orange” and “red”. Confusing as it may be to some, auditory language is not effected by the ability to visually differentiate between similar colors.

It isn’t non-verbal, but try this:

Ooh, and out of the ill-fitting suit jumps Eric! with his softly malformed countenance, and his pliable, mouth-agape dumbass face!

It’s dumb as hell. The story is nonsensical, the characters are cartoonish, the message is masturbatory, but it’s a hell of a fun time. I love this movie to this very day. I watched it with my brother on St. Patrick’s day over some corned beef, snarking with each other and having a great time. Sometimes, I just want

Calm. The. Fuck. Down.

You know what? Fuck it. The country is literally collapsing around us, but somebody organize a boxing match between these two. I’m no fan of Biden, but I’d love to see Donny Boy lying in a pool of blood and teeth. At least America’s demise can be entertaining.

It’s OK to use the water you defrosted the chicken in as sauce though, right?

And all the trees are green.

I’ll have you know, that even at a mere one-and-thirty years of age, I understood your Eddie Haskell reference.

Here’s a more accurate headline:

Millenials haven’t destroyed a goddamn thing. The Boomers and the Silents have taken every single aspect of America that was hand-delivered to them on a silver fucking platter, whined that they weren’t given enough respect for their anti-American bullshit, and then left us all with the rotting tatters of what a

“Humans fucked other humans. News at 11.”

Hillary vs. Trump was baby boomers’ last stand.

You got my hopes up with the “RIP Chris Cillizza” part, only to dash them asunder with the rest of the title.

I mean, it’s loosely based on the War of the Roses, which was real. It definitely qualifies for a Fargo-style “based on true events” claim.