Angie Tribeca

The whole site will have eroded away inside of a month due to a deluge of urine.

If you got an F in science.

Hell, start running it for the midterms. Run it frequently in red states, and it would end up being a pretty noticeable factor in reducing Republican turnout.

I see a lot of people here in the comments trying to show Scott and his ilk up by more accurately translating biblical lore. What I don’t see enough of is rational people pointing out that these fairy tales are fucking bullshit.

If you want to give credit to the bible for your moral fortitude or whatever, that’s fine.

And also the only consistently moral one.

Just one of the hundreds of radical right-wing messages inserted into every show by creator Matt Groening.

To be fair, she also unknowingly voted for Russian puppet.

As a 7-year-old, my favorite game was Shining Force. I think you may be projecting your own sapiophobia onto children.

Ahem. I believe you meant to say, “fake mews.”

Dude, you don’t know pizza, bra.

The new program starts in March, as mentioned three times in the post.

We have a moderate party. It’s the Democrats. What we need is a party that actually works toward left-leaning policies.

What, exactly, was gained from that?

Wow! So, instead of actually helping the Dreamers by not instantaneously caving on the shutdown, she talked for a while, while accomplishing exactly nothing of value? Super awesome!

Facts are wasted on Republicans and conservative Democrats alike.

You have my sympathy. It’s disgusting the way society has come to treat teachers.