Angie Tribeca

Football: for all those super-hetero guys who want to watch a bunch of muscly men wrestle each other while wearing tights and fighting over who gets to grab some balls.

You jest, but here in red country, teachers are portrayed as the enemy of tradition and “real values”. Hell, here in Wisconsin, which used to be the epicenter of American progressivism, Koch Regional Liaison Scott Walker convinced these dregs of humanity that allowing teachers to have access to health insurance was

It’s sickening, and it’s indicative of what’s wrong with this shithole country.

I cannot possibly star this enough.

Thirsty ass-eating motherfucker.

“Officer, you can’t arrest me. You’re biased because I punched you in the face.”

Hell, I’d be surprised if they can even dress themselves.

And simple, centuries-old mathematical formulae will show you beyond doubt that Earth is round as well. That doesn’t stop morons from doubting facts, ignoring reality, and choosing to shut their brains off.

I get what you mean, but I think you have to look outside the “gamer” bubble. To those of us who immerse ourselves in video games, Zelda is this huge entity, but it has never actually been the all-encompassing, driving force many of us envision it being. It’s more niche than it might seen.

*farts in a vaguely agreeably way*

If you believe in heaven and hell, and you believe that all your actions are being judged and tallied, is it actually altruistic to act in a way you expect to be rewarded for? Is it really altruism if you constantly have the thought at the back of your mind that you will suffer or prosper based on some intangible,

She deserves some more high-profile roles after this. She’s just fantastic.

I think ivory is more apt, really.

Right? Who the hell cares about goddamn Twitter? It’s not a serious platform for expressing governmental information.

I’d have called him Chazzwozzer.

Sure, he has a degree and was indeed an influential medical practitioner years ago. These days, however, he’s nothing more than a snake oil salesman bilking desperate people. He’s a disgrace to the profession.

And “Dr.s” Oz and Phil.

He gets ice cream.

Literally every single person who still supports the Republican party - after everything that has come out in the last few years - is 100% responsible for, and complicit in, the mess we are in right now. It is not a small percentage; it is every last one of them.