Angie Tribeca

Ignoring conspiracy-theorist imbeciles got us to where we are today. I agree that sunlight is not always the best disinfectant, but it is one of the best tools we have against the brainwashed republicans.

Ha! My local ABC affiliate just aired something similar after showing his tweet. Just delightful.

This might be the single least intelligent response I have ever seen to anything whatsoever. You genuinely may be the least intelligent human to scrape accidentally across a mistaken response. Were I you, I would kill myself. Perhaps you should consider that.

tell me how those leftist government’s in Europe are doing today. Not so great, dontcha think?

Jesus Christ, you’re a moron. Ever heard of the Nordic Countries?

Da, comrade.

NBC should give you a pilot. I haven’t seen such off-the-wall, imaginative writing in years. I bet your laugh track would only have to run 90% as often as the standard sitcom dreck.

Or when Rage Against the Machine told Paul Ryan, “We literally hate you.”

Pai should die. No attempt at humor there, just a statement of fact. There is no place in a civilized society for someone who chooses to curtail the rights of the people in favor of the unrestricted theft from billionaires. Pai’s actions are inexcusable, and are deserving of the most horrific punishments humans have

Well, yes, of course. Ron Swanson has morals.

Pai is Jamm without the positive traits. Like if Newport weren’t just stupid, but aggressively anti-democratic while simultaneously bereft of anything resembling charm or charisma.

I gave you a star, but I also vomited.

Pssh, that’s just what they want you to think. If only you were as super-smart as the everything’s-a-conspiracy-theorists, you’d know that unsubstantiated tests of a non-existent measurement of a non-quantifiable trait are the most important thing in the world, as long as they conform to whatever it is the nutjobs are

2016? Nah, America went stupid when it elected the first sundowning, Alzheimer’s-addled dipshit (the Reagan one, but also the not-Reagan one we’re currently hampered by).

I genuinely don’t understand how anyone is surprised by any of this. There’s a literal traitor at the helm of this already disturbingly far-right shit-hole of a country, stoking violence and treason with every stroke of a sharpie. This shit-hole country is divided between a center-right party and a fascistic far-right

If only there were an easier way to minimize labor shortages... I mean, it’s not like we can just let people from other countries come here or anything.

Early ‘60s, I’d say. Everyone who wasn’t insane applauded JFK’s socialism, and kept cheering for Eisenhower’s Socialist-supporting uber-progressive taxation. It wasn’t until slightly after that - once Americans Boomers got bored with having the world hand-delivered to them - when Boomer society decided that paying

We need a goddamn army of Maggies right now.

Not you, apparently.