Angie Tribeca

I do believe this country, and the world, would be much better off today had Sherman had a looser leash.

Oh, slavery is OK if everyone’s doing it? Racism is fine if it’s common? Sure, sounds reasonable.

Keep whining. I’m sure that will help keep you safe from common knowledge in the future.

Damn it, people need to stop posting that picture. It gives me such a weird mixture of laughter and nausea, like my body just doesn’t know how to respond to it.

The founders were all racist, and almost to a man, slave-holding shitstains whose only concern was for the well-being of the wealthiest few living in the colonies. One need only consider that they specifically and emphatically restricted voting to wealthy landed white men to understand their intentions. Granting

I don’t deny that things are horrendous. I just don’t think we were as far removed from those atrocities as many would like to believe.

As someone with several Fox-addled relatives, I can attest that yes, these morons believe literally everything Fox tells them, especially the contradictory bits.

It wasn’t even a year ago that Fox was broadcasting - over stock video footage of ISIS recruitment videos - that rates of violent crime were skyrocketing in Sweden since Syrian refugees started coming in, while conveniently forgetting to mention that the increase in crime was being perpetrated by white supremacists

“One day”? They’ve been calling you an “anchor baby” for many years, and would literally stop at nothing to destroy you. The time to start punching has long since passed.

Git outta ‘Murica with that libtard logic!!11!1!

...Are you new here? I mean sure, things are maybe a little bit worse now (or rather more public), but this is almost exactly how it’s always been.

Yeah, oh my god, it’s only been a year! Nobody should ever be allowed to talk about anything! Why, just the other day, someone spoiled the ending of Dumb and Dumber (The briefcase was a ransom payment! Mary’s husband was taken hostage by a family friend!) and I about lost my mind! How dare someone talk about something

Well yeah, the greasy dumbass would smear the windows if they were within reach of his ludicrously tiny toddler hands.

So, does he not understand that Nazism is a Christian movement?

If thats what the democrats want to be, a party for “nice billionaires,” then I don’t care for that party.

I prefer the name “Kill Millions of Americans Bill”.

You forgot the prequel, where it turns out Obamacare has actually been a Republican idea for decades.

It started with Reagan. The GOP installed an Alzheimer’s-afflicted moron who couldn’t tell the difference between reality and the roles he played in movies, and they’ve just kept pushing further and further into vapidity, self-delusion, and wholly evil behavior toward anyone and everyone they determined to not be

Hey, guys? I’m beginning to think that Trump supporters may not be very intelligent or educated.
