Angie Tribeca

Pinkham’s Law. The more obnoxious and repugnant the behavior, the more likely it is that someone will defend it, and the more vehemently they will do so.

The problem is that it holds up the line, and the customers waiting take out their petty frustration on the poor cashier who’s just trying to do their job.

Assholes love to consider their shitty behavior to be fantastic and intelligent, especially when it’s awful and wasteful.

Then just order everything in a bowl with the tortilla on the side. Not only do you get non-soggy food, but you’re also not interrupting the other orders.

It’s not about extra labor. It’s that the amount of product used costs the restaurant money, and the managers tend to take it out on the staff. The “customer” in this instance is essentially a thief.

We will not give in to the thinkers!

Now playing

Resist. No cost is too great. Fight, and do not relent. We must unseat and destroy the terrorists and traitors who have seized power. We must eliminate the corporatists who hide amongst our ranks and continue to work against the goals and values of progressivism. Eschew the right-wingers who seek to deceive you with

Well, I literally just spat all over my brand new monitor, thanks to you.

Plus, there was that whole ordeal where he raped that woman and forced her to carry the resulting fetus to term, just so he could kill it a couple decades later.

I think a non-gendered term would work better, because you could use a different noun to drive your point home more effectively and specifically. For example, you could try “crazy dumbass” or “crazy right-wing nutjob.”

The press gave $2 billion in free advertising to the traitor during the campaign. They get ratings and clicks by babbling about the insanity without calling it out. They’ve been in the Republicans’ pocket for decades. They are not going to take a stand.

Sure they can. Just not in public, as it hurts their PR.

It sounds like the name a shitty domestic beer company would give to a short, obscenely wide bottle of their finest carbonated urine.


like letting you swipe left and right on binks and also being able to comment and re-bink binks.

Plus, they’re only ever home long enough to set their clock and take a three second nap. You can even trick some of them into sending you money, as long as you occasionally buy them a rare toy.

The best chicken I’ve ever eaten was a whole bird I cooked in a pressure cooker. First, I set it to saute and brown it breast-side down. After about 3-5 minutes, I flip it over and saute for another 2 minutes or so. Then I pour in a hearty amount of chicken stock, a good 1/4-1/2 cup of lemon juice, 8-10 cloves of

It really seems like a missed opportunity. It’d be great to walk through a “pipe” at the gates when boarding/disembarking.

OK, so, since I live in a rural area, the city-dwellers still get to stock all the gyms around me with pokemon I’ll never be able to build up enough experience to go up against, while I have to go tens of miles out of my way to hit a single pokestop. Maybe stop fucking rural players, Niantic. I might spend some money