Angie Tribeca

Martin Mertens, before he thought he lost his son in the attack and went batshit crazy and turned into a narcissistic universal criminal/scavenger.

Correct answer. Bob is a flawed guy, but he’s constantly striving to be better, and to give more to his family than he got from his own less-than-ideal father.

Dude, Zazie Beets bypasses all the records. All hail Zazie. Sorry Ryan, but Zazie is more badass than you are. Film your data as was meant to be seen, posted by a barely-functional child-man.”

No, dumbass, she didn’t.

“Bernie Bro”? No, Rosanne is a right-wing nut job, who ran for president on a platform of forcing Christianity into public schools.

I bet that tastes almost - but not quite - entirely unlike toast.

For as long as I can remember, there has always been a “winner” when it comes to the big publisher’s E3 press conferences, and everyone else was left to worry about just far they’d fallen behind. This year, I don’t think anyone nailed it.

If I believed in any gods, this would be my nightly prayer. Larry Does Bill’s show fifty times as well as Bill does.

If right-wingers had functioning brains, they wouldn’t have created their current mess to begin with.

Hillary Clinton is the Hillary Clinton of the right. The US doesn’t have a left, and hasn’t for several decades.

Wait, what? No, dear, voters clearly are quite OK with Corbyn. That’s kind of the whole point here.

They won’t listen. As always, they’ll just assume they aren’t far enough to the right, give Republicans more of what they want without even asking for anything in return, and then blame the “ideological purists” for daring to expect that humans should recieve basic rights.

If by “losing” you mean “intentionally abandoning, ignoring, and insulting”, then yes. The Dems would have won if they had stopped being so insanely, offensively stupid.

Oh hush, Hillary supporters hate facts.

I agree completely. Unfortunately, being the moronic wannabe-rightwingers that they are, the Dems will lose, and will continue to blame anyone and anything other than themselves for their continued easily-avoidable losses. Facts don’t matter when someone hasn’t had a (D) next to their name for a sufficiently

Literally a rotten ham sandwich would have beaten donny-boy. Hillary the corrupt slave-holder shithead Clinton was the one single person who could ever have lost this election.

Well fuck yes. Here’s the UK, actually listening to the objectively superior socialist agenda. If only the far-right and slightly-less-far-right parties of America would start listening to the adults instead of “giving turns” to corporatist shitstains, we would have solved most of our problems years or decades ago.

D’awww, that’s so cute! I hope you enjoy the area!

29, and in a similar situation. I’m starting to get a psycological itch, like “why haven’t I done this by now”, but at the same time, I haven’t encountered anyone I’d be happy spending an extended period of time with. I can’t see myself doing any sort of “casual” reationship, but I’m starting to lose hope of a

Any tips for surviving the winters?