Angie G

Ok, we could do this all day. But why not just let it go. I typed what I typed and I stand by it. No harm no foul.

And I must have commented before the edit.

You can only be charged with perjury if you lie under oath. She never testified at her trial. Perjury also has a statute of limitations.

From your lips to God’s ear.

Based on the way you treated your Mom, I suspect you are not old enough to vote.

Maine, the holding area for New England rednecks.

Thanks for taking the time to confirm that for me. It’s always nice to know I am not imagining things.

I do not understand the strange ways of the jesus people. I have noticed a pattern that most of what they think and do defies logic.

I think at one point he became a born again christian. He even had them take out the words son-of- bitch out of the devil went down to Georgia. This progression may have been caused by the baby jesus.

While not correct, that is freaking hilarious.

Don’t worry about being wrong, you can always correct wrong. Just don’t be ‘technically correct’ it is the worst kind of correct.

Ok, young people listen the fuck up: It’s called a TREASURE Trail not a happy trail. Seriously what the fuck is a happy trail? Happy trail sounds stupid and it makes you sound stupid.

in a fire, a horrible, never ending,raging fire.

This comment made me deliriously happy. After work today I will be seeking treatment or bourbon,whichever is easier to find.

I’m hoping for termites or Dutch Elm Disease.

Oh, I see what you did there. And it made me chortle. An honest to god chortle.

The words bully and bullying were once only used to describe children and the behavior of children. Maybe it was the hope that those punk ass little bitch bullies would out grow whatever stage they were in and become decent human beings. Change is possible and it is most certainly possible in children because all we

Took me a minute, but it was well worth it. Even admitting that it took me a minute is feeling a bit worth it today.

Long form snark is the best snark. I think I might need some long form snark lessons. The best I cold come up with was : Fuck you , you fucking fucks.

I am so glad you mentioned this. The first time I heard her say that all I could do was roll my eyes and think: Progessives and Dems can’t get off their lazy asses and vote in mid term elections and she thinks there’s going to be a revolution?