
I agree that caucuses are BS. Iowa is only a big deal because it’s first. It would be nice if the first state was more representative of the national demographics. Or even 2-3 states going first in one night that were a cross section of demographics. Like keep IA as the rural/white/agricultural sample, bring in a

The whole article wasn’t focused on twitter though. There were plenty of political pundits who piled on, who were also quoted. 

But seriously, not right now.

This primarily. Hillary has legitimate reason to be angry and let it be known. It’s incredibly selfish for her to do so until after we defeat the orange menace.

Piss off with this shit. Some asshat actually went out on the twitter and told an US representative who reps the district next to my own, that they would be “nowhere” without the existence of Hillary Fucking Clinton, and used the language she used to describe Trump supporters to do so. That’s pretty damned stupid.


I saw a woman respond to Tlaib’s apology thread on Twitter who called her behavior deplorable. “You realize you’d be nowhere without @HillaryClinton,”

Holy shit, I may just be done with political discourse for the day. That someone actually put their fingers to the keys to type out such inane fuckery as this. WTF. Do

Oh they never should have used an app. That was stupid AF. What could possibly go wrong? /s

Apparently, they plan to use this app for a couple of other caucuses. So the shitshow will continue.

I feel the “disaster” we’re going to see play out is the narrative that the caucuses were fixed in some way. I’m already seeing it.

There’s also the possible reduction in post caucus bounce for the candidates as a result. Because that’s really what they’re all after in IA. The delegate count itself is negligable.

LMAO. The US population is 60.7% non hispanic white, and this fool had to split hairs that IA is only 25.2% whiter than average, not 37.3%.

Bless their heart.

*insert never ending eye roll gif*

I mean, they may never return to normal. I might require surgery.

In a manner that can only be described as Obama-lite, Buttigieg infused enough perfectly timed smiles and soaring rhetoric to convince the casual viewer that his policy platform wasn’t simply a bland, moderate agenda in a youthful package.

He has certainly recruited as many Obama 08 campaign alumni as possible, and it


On one hand, it pisses me off.

On the other hand, I’ve been wondering just how much his rise in polling can be attributed to the fact that he’s never had to debate his ideas with the other candidates on the national stage. I was starting to feel like his refusal of individual donations was the shield he was using to

I’ve been swarmed by people saying they don’t, but the comment section on any election post on the GMO sites would beg to differ.

As much as the comment section is overrun by complaints about horse race polling, and the rush to declare a winner, I can’t be the only one wishing there was some kind of running update on how the caucus is going.

The suspense is killing me. 

The big tent does shoot us in the foot there pretty often. I’m clinging to hope that enough blue dogs have died off or retired, and the past 12 years teaching the remaining some lessons. 

Agreed and acknowledged. Yet the way it’s been cast as solely based on race after the fact is just as lacking in nuance as saying racism alone was responsible for Trump’s win. Sexism and misogyny were a contributing factor in both. Just how much of each were present is impossibly to quantify, but the presence of one

At the end of the day, what’s pretty indisputable is that Hillary Clinton was running, Hillary Clinton was running as a centrist, and Barack Obama hardly ran in the same campaign lane as Hillary Clinton.

Things change when one becomes the head of the party. The republicans didn’t have good things to say about Trump at first either, many swore they would never work with him. Now those very Senators are his most devoted sycophants.

And when he fails, the goal posts will quickly be moved from “At least he’ll try” to “he didn’t try enough” the same as they were in this very thread. 

Respectfully, while I won’t attempt to relitigate Obama’s progressive bonafides,