Yeah, this shit storm circus of an idea refuses to die. I remember it being brought up while I was in OK a decade ago.
Yeah, this shit storm circus of an idea refuses to die. I remember it being brought up while I was in OK a decade ago.
I tried to tell you I wasn’t interested nicely. I tried rude. Now I’m just going to dismiss you. You’re not entitled to my time, or further response. Take your “debate me” shit elsewhere.
Oh I agree with all of this, I was speaking more in generalities. And yes, the site is really only relevant for the US and Canada.
I know people have issues with the fact that is owned and run by Paula’s Choice, but I’m still gonna take this chance to recommend it. They do rate quite a few products from other companies highly, and their ingredient “dictionary” is informative and current to clinical research, along with lining up…
I’m not a lawyer, are you? If you are, split hairs with the op and/or answer their question. I already stated I wasn’t interested in debate. If not, fuck off because you’re not in a position to lecture me.
That wasn’t really the question that seemed posed when one is asking about the “fairness of the law”. Technically it is illegal for both per this BS law. So the punishment was not equal, but the conduct of both persons is illegal since the law doesn’t specify gender itself. There may be an out on equal Application of…
It really is a racket. I’ve been to the derm more than once due to my eczema/psoriasis, So I was learned early. Most of the stuff out there has ingredients that actively dry skin out. Therefore driving the market for more moisturizers, masks, serums, and spot treatments to “fix” the problems likely caused by the…
Meh, I’ll call it progress when they actually enforce it. The compounds full of polygamists marrying 12 year olds makes that seem unlikely.
For me it’s the time, money, and ingredients. Does no one read labels anymore? Has everyone bought into this “natural” bs about putting fragrant essential oils on their face?
It’s getting so difficult to avoid lavender, peppermint, menthol, and citrus extracts. Citrus extracts ffs. Have people never heard of how citrus…
Velveta doesn’t go in mac and cheese. That’s for lazy cheese dip.
I remember that balanced budget amendment debate during the 90's, but didn’t remember that he was pushing it. Young me was doing...other things that may have compromised my name retention. Ok, I was partying and not paying much attention.
Not a lawyer, but I’m pretty sure this would fail a challenge on Constitutional grounds with the current composition of SCOTUS and lower circuits thanks to Orange Foolius. We’re not actually guaranteed a right to overall privacy explicitly by the Constitution, even though that’s what people think the 4th Amendment…
This reply is made even funnier by the fact this wasn’t a play on my name. It really was just a pissed off knee jerk reaction to this fuckery.
Fuck this shit. I’m done with the internets for the day.
LOLWUT? You massively jumped the shark there. Maybe step away from the internets for the day.
OK, real talk here.
That’s hilarious, because this was the basic southern queso recipe per a black woman in OK.
He thinks Velveta adds moisture.
“Pete, are you team Ricotta, or Cottage Cheese in Mac & Cheese”*
Buttigieg: Team What?!
*These are the southern white mac and cheese schools I am personally familliar with, but am pretty sure Pete is not even This versed in mac and cheese.
If you’re going to be weak and bring chips and dip, you could at least crack a can of Ro-Tel and mix it with some Velveta.
Also, the last thing I want to eat is this guys dry mac and cheese.
It’s just getting real old. Every time you bring up the toxic, habitually online, particularly virulent strain of Berner, this shit about erasing POC who support him gets trotted out. It just so happens, they’re not the Bernie stans who give him a bad wrap.
Not to mention how his most toxic stans use the squad as a…