
Or their financial backers for that matter?

Like, any one of these candidates is better than Trump, but they’re not equal to each other. 

LOL Wall Street, Pharma, and Zuckerburg’s choice tool?

Like just yesterday this shit was on CNN

She may have been a Harvard professor, and her personal wealth may run into the low millions, but Warren’s stump speech, filled with references to her childhood and her own struggles to balance her professional life and her work as a mother, is meant to remind us that Warren, as my Jezebel colleague Kelly Faircloth

Doing the lords work.

American’s tendency to go full on death match for ridiculous items is the most distressing symptom of our addiction to consumption. Remember when it was socks that one Christmas?

We have a fucking disease.

Having to suffer through this abuse was bad enough. Now she gets to deal with it being a subject of public discussion, and her father bragging about it on air. My heart breaks for this young woman. 

Most of the people up in arms about this are actually vegans, so fur is just the start for them really.

HAHAHAHA! Troll La Lol

So the group of Splinter, Jez, and Deadspin commentators who were’t trolls created a Discord server. Trolling is strictly verbotten, as is racism, and far right views. Conservatives are permitted, until they start spouting crazy shit.

Doesn’t even kick in until income is in multiple millions, and that’s considered “quite high”?

I was paying state 5% income tax in OK on less than 30 K per year. Miss me with this BS.

New York State’s top tax rate of nearly 9 percent

Only 9%? FFS no wonder so many 1%-ers are setting up shop there. 

Don’t forget about the 99-07 run of Passions. That show was bananas.

“Not that many wives would react that way to a tragedy

This guys been married 3 times, and apparently every one of them only wanted his wallet. I would normally have some type of pity for a fool, but this skidmark deserves none.

Yes. Happened yesterday. Refugees are gathering here.

Why on Earth would the President of the United States tweet a falsified photograph of an award ceremony?

LMAO Is he actually that red from holding his breath?

I was about 2 mos ago. It was on a post about Aziz Ansari or Jeffrey Epstien. They were both back to back, so I can’t keep it straight.

The expression “You can’t polish a turd” comes to mind.

He comes off as a pretty big asshole. I seen/read a couple of interviews where he was pretty dickish.