
Yes, Harris Teeter does, and so does Public. I swear I have seen frozen ones in the bread section at Publix, too.

I thought the same thing, like Mark Salling did, although Salling’s crimes were a drop in the bucket compared to Kelly’s.

I suspect it will be 007 from now on out. Maybe even 007: AGENT’S NAME.

That is where my mind went, too!

It is broscience!

That isn’t factual — it has nothing to do with the soles of her feet. Ladd is acting like that because she is extremely dehydrated.

This has nothing to do with her being a woman — I hate these kind of cuts in men, too. Someone will die at a UFC or Bellator weigh-in sooner or later. It’s almost happened already.

OMG the irony of Grace doing that! Her entire CAREER was made on the back of her fiance killed when he was barely able to vote — and, his family is DONE with how Grace has used his murder to further her career.

You are the first person other than myself who I’ve found also thinks this way about the ruling. Everyone not knowing the context and the history of both of them (and their mental issues) and their relationship seems to not get what a slippery slope this is.

I flew to and from Ft. Lauderdale on Spirit (comped flight, not my idea for this airline). People down here in SOFL can be bonkers, but the folks on the flights both ways who were from Vegas made SOFL bonkers seem New England staid. Both were night flights (one a redeye), and it was like an incredibly drunken remake

Yes, she should move up to featherweight, but that is a very light class in the UFC, and Bellator and Invicta don’t pay as much. She is a really good fighter, but has a terrible time making weight, including missing it on occasion.

And, concentration camps as we know them were created by the British during the Boer War, and they worked exactly as they were supposed to ie family separation, inhumane treatment, disease and death,

He isn’t fast for his age, that is the point: he cheats. This is why he keeps getting DQed and even banned from races. He runs about four+ more minutes slower per mile than his faked splits.

He has already told his XC team he has been diagnosed with an issue that will probably mean he cannot run anymore. For real.

He has already told his XC team he has a medical condition that will probably stop him from running anymore. For real.

He says he doesn’t use a GPS, but literally is wearing two of them in most of his races, which makes sense. He has to carefully time when to hide a bike and run onto the course for a few minutes a hot a mat.

He runs about a 11-11:30-minute mile pace during the very few times he is actually caught on the course via film or camera. I have been following this saga for quite a while over on MI.

He hopped the entire course — he literally cannot run that fast. Did you not read the article and the links?! He has been DQed and banned from many races.

He literally cannot run that fast. When he IS on the course for a quarter mile or so at a time, his pace is literally about 11-11:30-minute miles. Read the series on Marathon Investigation for all the info.

They are RFID chips in or on the bibs, around the ankle, or affixed to the shoe, not GPS.