
He has since told the BOY’S CROSSCOUNTRY TEAM HE COACHES that he has a health problem that will stop him from running in 2020. And, the head coach of that team keeps threatening people with legal action (he isn’t an attorney), especially Derek who runs Marathon Investigation.

Newsmax?! lolz

Zero foul, and White was OFFSIDES.

Look at the glee on that fucking cracker’s face.

They both cheated on their wives more than once, so they have that to chat about.

And that guess would be wrong -- none will be going if invited.

She was answering an interview question.

Then you shouldn’t have voted for him, which you obviously did.

The Swedes, not China, have been our main liaisons for decades, and they did a very good job of it until this stuff with Trump.

Birthday parties, both on your own property and in parks.

I actually think it is good patient to check really fast — I have enough nurses in my family to know that sometimes patients who are confused wander off, and even have family members take them out so they don’t have to pay their relative’s bills any more. It would be a GOOD THING for the patient to check and make sure

Her direct-line ancestors were a product of rape you racist fuck.

I think that is absolutely what that idiot thought.

Lagarde is my new spirit animal.

Pitching machines are not called batting cages, they are literally called pitching machines wtaf. It’s apparent the only baseball you’ve ever played is on Nintendo or in a sandlot. You sit down.

I have excellent Florida Panthers season tickets, and the netting is completely in my field of vision from the seats, and guess what? I literally don’t notice. It obscures nothing on the ice, it diminishes my pleasure of the game in no way.

Fun fact: Judith Krantz was Shar Lewis’ (aka Lamchop’s mommy) sister-in-law.

He literally terrorized her for weeks, including gaslighting her and stealing the stuffed animal he threw into the ocean when she left. He is the reason why she left: his terrorizing stressed her so badly she was losing hair and not sleeping, and it really made her Lyme Disease flair up. His actions were all on tape,

And also marriage equality -- he thinks it should be rescinded.

No, he wouldn’t be. He has only been convicted by white juries. The two trials with black jurors were hung. An actual neutral jurpr would not convict him, because the evidence isn’t there at all.