
And, the hung juries were the only trials that had black jurors.

Again, ZERO evidence Mitchell or that poor, sad woman were involved. Literally every piece of evidence points to the husband who killed his family in a horrible DV event.

MacDonald is 100% guilty — none of his apologists can explain the blood-type evidence away (ALL FOUR family members had different blood types, so it is very easy to track what happened that night). All the “proof” showing MacDonald to be innocent has literally been proven to be false. He and other apologists took a DV

I’m a white Southerner. I agree with you.

The victim does NOT think they did it. Trish Meili was told they did it, and is still being told they did it. She has no memory (thank goodness) of the attack.

Why the actual fuck is a racist tool like you ungreyed and I’m not?

Also, Patricia Meili wasn’t murdered (thank god), so Trump not only wanted to State-sanction murder a bunch of kids not guilty of the crime, but wanted to execute them for a crime that wasn’t murder.

Yeah, Fingersmith and Tipping the Velvet should have both been on the list imo.

She isn’t an eyewitness: she has no memory of that evening, or for days and days after. She is going by what everyone has told her for decades: the authorities, her counsel, her family and friends. She is getting a lot of flak lately, and shouldn’t -- she is a victim, and it’s literally a medical miracle she didn’t

100% this.

No, backlisted.

No, it isn’t.

Leslie Smith did get her ear semi punched off her head, ironically enough by Jessica Eye!

Yeah, she bounded forward to put some finishing GnP on Eye, then realized she was out and literally bystepped her without the Ref needing to wave her off. Major props for that.

What in the world are you talking about? How is a perefctly legal kick “disrespectful”? wtf

Chookagian is a pretty good egg, so I feel bad about how Bullet is gonna thrash her.

“This wasn’t some girl who was randomly assaulted and raped by a stranger.”

I wondered that, too.

They are not smarter than you or most people — they were forced to memorize a lot of words. Anyone with typical intelligence and memory can do this.

Whatever, Vlad.