
Nothing says “4th of July in Trump’s Americalike a bunch of drunk Russians accosting African-American citizens.

To me, Karens are merely the “can I speak to your manager” shitheads, not the pull a gun on you ones.

I'm a runner. If I'm running through a crosswalk and a car cuts me off in the crosswalk, I'm definitely slapping the car (I'm kind of a dick like that. Also, give runners and pedestrians a break). By these standards, I should have a gun pulled on me roughly a dozen times a year. These people aren't willing to state

Agreed. I think it has mostly become a synonym for bitch or cunt. It started out meaning more, but I think that’s mostly what it means now. I’ve even seen Trump supporters use it (as in “you liberal snowflake karen”) which is bizarre, but makes sense when you realize they just mean bitch.

Thank you for pointing out the weaponizing of misogyny in the fight against white supremacy. Oppressed groups are taught to hate and attack each other, while the oppressors float to the top, hanging on to power while looking blameless. How often have you seen memes talking about the percentage of white MEN who voted

Sorry but making your own mask does absolutely nothing!

I’m waiting for his campaign’s online store to start selling MAGA masks.

Because with the coffee filter, the face covering doesn’t do much of anything, but without the coffee filter, the face covering doesn’t do much of anything.


I actually think the series was extremely generous to her, in that it portrayed her as someone genuinely very focused on and concerned about the victim, and how women and women who had experienced sexual violence were often ignored, mistreated or half heartedly assisted by law enforcement.

I thought this was Hope Hicks before reading the headline. They both have that same sad smirk/vacant eye thing happening. 

I lived through the 1970s and this film was superb at reminding us of the systemic misogyny of that time. Which helps to remind us that systemic misogyny still exists and that we can’t be too complacent.

loved Newlyweds when it came out. I might have to pick this up.

mostly because she maintains the endearing naiveté that drew so many to her instead of Britney or Christina in the first place.

I actually think he was a malignant narcissist, not a sociopath, since Bundy still very much cared about what people thought of him. But it doesn’t matter in relation to his actions, they were deplorable, and blaming others for one’s own shortcomings (such as raping and killing a multitude of young women and girls...)

GREAT series. Absolutely riveting.

I thought it was really well done.  It’s the first documentary I’ve seen that truly gives a voice to his victims, as well as the women who were instrumental in finally bringing him to justice.  

Bieber. You know that little fuck doesn’t wipe down the equipment. 

Please yes! The few people I know who do keto are the preachiest people I’ve ever known (and I’m a vegetarian-of the non preach variety).

Esther, I strongly feel that the sentiment of “governor’s can and should use their pardon authority to get as many people out of prison as possible” is totally at odds with any kind of disagreement with begins actions here.