Just came to say

Wishlist for a new game in a franchise that I love very much, but am very wary to a new game announcement for:

of course they would do this the season with the worst animation quality....

You could just get a manual as well

Probably because people like me click on clickbaity articles and are all “wtf is this?... oh. interesting.. hehehehe. this is a dumpster fire... oh hella funny dumpster fire.”

Imagine being part of a class action suit that publically names you as someone who buys a woman’s bath water.

There is so much wrong with your post, I don’t even know where to begin.

I’m topping off my V8 Interceptor for the chaos to come.

I’m curious about the math on how fast this planet should burn away. We’re seeing how it was 920 years ago. I wonder if it’s still there or if it burned up or fell into the star already. It’d be neat to know you could watch a “recording” of a whole planet being incinerated.

Even more than Dany’s heel turn, which was gradually being developed in the narrative but rushed through at the last minute, Arya’s decision to abandon her quest for vengeance after like a 30-60 second conversation with the Hound is absolutely out of character. It doesn’t ring true at all and further underscores how

North Bergen is a B district finanical group, with A being the poorest and J being the richest.

Every single recommended story is “Stop preordering video games.” Every. Single. One.
That’s hilarious.

I’m glad some folks are enjoying this game; everyone has their somewhere they want to be, and that somewhere doesn’t work for other folks—and that’s fine. I enjoy a great many things others think are a waste of time.

This whole kerfuffle, though, comes off as one giant kettle of “we coasted way too hard on a


#8 made me cry.

Now playing

So, I don’t want to be THAT guy......sure, I do: This isn’t anything all that impressive but the sexism that makes “pole dancing” all about stripping removes the the athleticism and true art from what some of these women do. There was recently a 3 day competition in my neck of the woods and you the women that competed

So we finally got an answer to this conundrum:

Whoa. To think we escaped the fate of our two formerly habitable neighbors Venus and Mars by the tiniest of margins should make us love and care for this little blue ball of dirt we call “Earth” a bit more.

Yeesh. I don't really understand the mental gymnastics one must perform to hate women so much and yet also want to have sex with them. Just seems like they are a bunch of big babies who are afraid of change. I guess they just don't see women as people.