Just came to say

As long as people listen to the radio and buy their kids this kind of music the industry is not going to change. They can easily replace Juice Wrld who was of minimal talent to begin with.

Im on PS4 and it kicks me out every 10-15 minutes then doesn’t remember where it stopped so I have to rewind or (most often) move on. I don’t understand the navigation. I thought it would be categorized better like Series, Classic Movies, Pixar, Live Action etc. But it’s not. I only wanted it for old Disney movies I

As big as they say this one was it wasnt scary and really never is that scary. Scariest thing for me was reading about a dam near my house that was built to withstand an 8.0 quake, and we just had a 7.1. Considering drowning is the number one way I DO NOT want to die, that scares me more than the quake itself.

Except people don’t credit her for the song like she wrote it. They credit her for singing it the best. Like how her Star Spangled Banner is still the one everyone tries to top. She didn’t have to write it to make it hers.

Squirting is almost definitely piss. Female ejaculation happens inside the vagina. There is no urine involved. Whatever it is when we say a girl is "wet," when she ejaculates it's more of that stuff whatever that stuff is. Pretty sure it's not wee wee though.

And frozen. I imagine water doesn't escape because it's frozen, unlike Mars where it's hot and would evaporate.

Theyd still be correct. Black people didn't protest because of black on black crime, they protested because of Nipsey. They shoot each other everyday and have been for decades but now they wanna come out? And watch how fast someone else gets shot. Will they protest? Not unless a cop did it or it's another celebrity.

For *people* who want to feel smart. Pretty sure TED talks aren’t specifically made for white people. Thanks.