
None of that changes the fact that it is an ironic situation where in the “Real” world it is Ken getting a nom and Barbie not, which is exactly what Ken took away from it when he learned about Patriarchy and thought it was so awesome.

Women dont need to try to achieve for happiness.

Bold of you to assume said dolts see women dying of back-alley abortions as a negative.

Yeah, that’s exactly what he’s doing

I think the Director should have at least gotten a nomination.  She made a movie about Barbie and it was actually a good movie. She deserves a nod just for that.

All of you dolts who didn’t do everything in their power to get Hilary Clinton elected president are responsible for every women who dies in an illegal back-alley abortion and I will never fucking forgive you. 

surely there is enough going on in the American and international political sphere right now that Clinton has better things to offer commentary about, if at all”

No one is complaining about that.

That is not at all the article’s criticism though.

But adapted screenplay makes no sense... what story is it adapted from exactly?

There’s a fine line between irony and tragedy, and the omissions of Margot & Greta are right there.

The one where we find out which writers are sexist twats.

The fuck is this article?

Wow did you just tell Clinton to stay in her lane?

Don’t think of it as modifying, think of it as zooming in on one model so they both line up.

Scaling is not modifying. 3D modeling/sculpting software are all different in units of size/scale. You could make a desk lamp model in Modeling Software A, import it into Modeling Software B, and instead sitting nicely on top of a desk, the lamp is the size of the desk itself. One *must* adjust the scale in order to

What? Scaling means nothing. Scaling is a completely transform-free process in 3D modeling. 1 inch means 1 foot means 1 astronomical unit because these virtual worlds are completely unit free.

I’ve never owned a GameCube or used one by choice so it’s a surprise to me. 

im 37 and I did too and had no idea about this til reading this article.

Thanks for sharing this. I had owned a GameCube since a few days before their official release in the US and can’t say I was ever aware of this little easter egg.

I’m 46 and I spent an awful lot of my time playing my GC at the time. Thanks for your concern.