
This article is not about parachuting women into lucrative, powerful roles. And the other side of your argument is that people shouldn’t be kept out of or go unrecognized by an entire industry based on not on who they are or what they do, but simply because of what they happen to be. That is what Alyssa is arguing.

You know the best way to help those names get recognition? Recognize them somewhere.

English, please.

You didn’t say that, or anything about women.

TIL making upper five figures puts you out of the working class. All of a sudden you’re hob nobbing with the top 1 percent.

Citation needed.

Except multiple individuals named in the article are games journalists, we know there’s not a lot of money in that, and there aren’t sources for the salaries of any of the individuals listed that I can find. C’mon.

This will ALWAYS be a problem until you’re starting to reach actual parity. It doesn’t even matter if it’s majority-intentional or not. Dudes tend to seek out dudes because that’s what so many men have been conditioned to do.

No, it isn’t a single article, it is the entire issue. They look at 30 years of their history, call out “moments” in gaming, and the only people they name? Are men.

LoK was awesome and Uncharted, while derivative, is up there as one of the best series of videogames of all time and, arguably, propelled the “cinematic experience”-like games at Sony. It served as inspiration for The Last of Us and God of War post-reboot, to name the few.

I think her influence is clearly visible and

I think it's a matter of paying attention. I'm 40 and have been playing video games all my life - Roberta absolutely deserves recognition. Whether she gets it or not is another question, and one could argue there's biases at work here as well. Roberta pioneered not just graphic adventure games but also FMV games. Is

See that makes it worse to me. In 30 years they have never hired a woman to write for them??

Influence does not require recognition. The point of the magazine article is to highlight people who you might not recognize, who influenced gaming. It isn’t supposed to be the most popular names in video games.

Amy Henning.

But she was pushed out of Naughty Dog by Druckmann, self-described feminist.


I thought years ago Jade Raymond was going to enter into that group, but going to Google and being apart of Stadia probably didn’t help things.

We’re talking relative renown here. If you’re making a list of the most influential people, you’re going to pick the most influential people and in the gaming industry, those people are all men. I already covered Williams in another reply, Kim Swift is known for the first Portal and nothing else, Brenda Romero isn’t

Except that Roberta essentially invented the genre. She absolutely should have been on PC gamer's list. 

Roberta Williams (already been discussed), helped build a gaming company from the ground up.

Roberta Williams

I’ve worked with so many amazing women, it’s mind-boggling that they’re rarely highlighted apart from maybe at some diversity award.