
I asked for extra pickles”

I have no idea what a Jimmy Johns is. If it’s a fast food job, that’s not shameful. It’s not like I’m a cop or a guy who says stuff like “my (nonexistent) movie screening got a 6 min standing O.”

Not fast food, but working class, yes. Literally.

Um what? I never said you were banned. But my other SquidEatinDough alt account that I was using to post trans porn gifs to troll chuds like you (it wasn’t just you, sorry you’re not that special) was actually totally deleted a few days ago, so yeah they do ban sometimes. Which, again, I never once said or implied is

Man, to think you were once so proud of how “cleverly” you did it, too, before your amnesia and new account.

Heh, having just watched the cinematic masterpiece that is They Live, I’m reminded of this quote from it:

White line’s in the middle of the road. That’s the worst place to drive.”

Lol, well no one ever accused you of being bright.

The words “nuanced opinion” and “South Park” shouldn’t be within 100 miles of each other

Yeah, really seems to have rubbed a lot of folks in these comments the wrong way, who proclaim that South Park doesn’t do this “anymore”, while also saying they just “attack extremism on both sides equally” and “play the middle/are centrists”. I don’t see an actual difference there.

Well we can tell you’re triggered by his comment, for sure.

I haven’t watched hardly any of the show since around 2012 or so, which was when it seemed to me that they were going in a real anti-PC direction, so this is a bit hard to believe. I remember that trans episode “The Cissy” being interpreted by many as pro-trans, but I found the opposite. As I recall, Cartman was

The best critique of South Park and one that’s come the closest to explaining why it rubs me the wrong way is that they always take the side of “not caring”. The end result is always that caring about anything is dumb and “both sides” are bad if either of them actually care.”

Exactly this. Playing it down the middle

Again, this is just “both sides bad” and it’s reductive and cynical.

Yeah, their “heel turn” happened decades ago.

The South Park guys have never been progressive.  They are “both sides” libertarians. They have always had some shitty views on some things 

Not to dash your hopes or anything, but Maher is a boomer-lite autocrat that prefers liberal autocracy to conservative autocracy (‘conservative autocrat’ = Dennis Miller). Those two dudes are birds of the same feather, just simping for different billionaires.

Dude has always been shit, just anti-religious stoner shit.  That stupid “movie” probably set back the social views on atheism by decades just by being a smarmy piece of shit.  

Have you not watched any of the recent seasons? They’ve become increasingly conservative despite not giving up the frat boy humor.

I’ve been expecting them to make a Bill-Maher-esque heel-turn some day. Maybe this is it.