
My wife is the reason why we got the Xbox series S consoles. I hadn't owned an Xbox since 2015. She kept seeing me get upset about not being able to score a PS5 & she was like if you want a next gen console why not just get a Series S and when the PS5's become more available we’ll get one. So my wife got her Series S

Yeah, Game Pass is a huge bonus in Microsoft’s favor, especially if you have the one that is for both PC and Xbox. Sony’s offerings just don’t compete, especially with the games on offer lately. The only leg they have over Microsoft is that whatever games you claim through Plus are yours for good (kind of, and at

100% the case for me too. I have both as well and Xbox is “friendlier,” but on the other hand the PS5 is less chatty in general. I usually save the SP games for PS5 and the MP games for Xbox (or I go Xbox for anything I could get on GamePass that if have to buy on PS 5). 

Yep. I’m a woman who plays games, owns a gaming PC, Switch and SteamDeck, and I am not going to talk about games with most guys —because we don’t play the same games.

I don’t know about other women, but as one who owns both, the Xbox genuinely seems to be the more sensible purchase with much friendlier and less costly premium services and more and more easily available games that appeal to me, which are also often cheaper. As for the Series S/X vs the PS5, it was also cheaper and

Or most women know that if they talk about gaming around a lot of men they’ll suddenly have to “prove” their “gamer cred” or whatever or be belittled or talked down to or some combination of all of the above so they never let most men know they play video games of any kind, on top of avoiding voice chat because everyon

Shocking news, approximately half of the population are approximately half of the people involved in a popular past-time.

You are reading wrong.

Same. I’ve met plenty of women that have a Switch, and am friends with several of them. I’ve also met several on a discord server I frequent for PC games. As always, just let people enjoy things. I’ve never really understood the boys club mentality anyway. It was never something to embrace.

*overgrown boys* react poorly

Of the ten friends of whom I have swapped Friend Codes on Switch, eight are women. And they love them some Zelda and Fire Emblem in particular

It’s as anecdotal as what the whiners are saying, but these numbers largely match up with my experience (though the women percentage on the PS5 is disconcertingly low — gotta get those numbers up, Sony!). Gaming feels more diverse than ever, and much better for it. I do not miss the ‘good ol’ boys club.’ It was oh so

I mean, you can only analyze the data you have. If men don’t answer or don’t answer honestly, there’s not much you can do. Also, with THAT said, if you broke it down to type of game and genre, I’m willing to bet that women aren’t in multi player lobbies with voice chat on. They likely get harassed if they do. So they


Our dad got us into games by swapping story time for game time early doors. He’d play an hour of OoT or a few stars of Mario 64 for us before bed every night. I relish the memories.

*men* react poorly

In the replies to Piscatella’s tweets, many have reacted to the data with anger, skepticism, and shitty jokes.

Out of my family growing up, I think our dad was the only one who *didn’t* play video games, and still doesn’t. My mom was always playing monopoly on Gameboy or SNES, and my sister and I (female) were always fighting over the console RPGs.

I gave my mom my old switch when I upgraded to an OLED. She loves the thing. Plays Picross and Phoenix Wright on it, as well as all the switch online classic stuff with our family plan.

Good. I want more Jeri Ryan and Michelle Hurd. Don’t really care about Jack Crusher, but if he works as doorway to more Gates McFadden then I’d be fine with it.