
“And no I don’t want to hear for the thousandth time how she’s tweeted about how she treats sales of HP as support for her views.”

Why would anyone ever believe a word that comes out of that man’s mouth?

Also, shouldn’t he still be too busy dealing with sexual assault and harassment lawsuits still to worry about this shit?

Considering that the trans character is a stereotypical token with a godawful name and a super absurd voice,...

Nah, she’s worse than not being there at all.

Then lengths people will go to to defend this godawfully written bigoted pile of trash that somehow managed to get made into almost not fucking awful movies (but they managed to get the anti-Semitism and racism in there anyway).

Honestly I’d be fine with that as long as people would shut up about this stupid terrible universe and this stupid game for like 5 goddamn seconds cause honestly any time I see HP fans at this point I know to just avoid them because there’s a non-zero chance they’d attack me for being trans.

That’s not even touching on

Considering libel law in the UK is basically just to protect the royalty, nobility, and rich from criticism (and seriously punish the critic(s)), it is, unfortunately, working as intended.

You put some of the vilest shit imaginable in your soup?


The game is inherently political, which as you correctly point out, they all are. This one just happens to be made by a neo-Nazi head dev and have Nazi stereotypes and shit in it, which is why any gaming group worth their salt has just straight up banned the game.

“Judge the game based on its merits”

Ok. The lead dev was a neo-Nazi and the plotline involves Nazi stereotypes and shit and the one trans character is a stereotype with an absurd JK-level name that’s basically “Manly Manny”. Don’t even get me started on her voice.

The game is shit.

I mean, to be entirely honest, anyone who is actively supporting Kanye to the point of going to his show should absolutely be ridiculed.

Yeah, because strangely truth isn't an outright defense against libel on that stupid island

Cho Chang! Never forget what a hack she is even without the classism, colonialism, neoliberalism and transphobia.

You put letters into your alphabet soup? You’re getting ripped off, they should already be in it.

Trans rights are human rights, but every country does human rights differently

You transphobia is over when an incidental unprompted npc loudly outs themselves as trans, just like in Mass Effect Andromeda

Well Kanye is solidly a nazi sympathizer at this point. So you could at least point and call the people in line ‘nazi sympathizer’-supporters.

Hmm, it’s like the divisive things Rowling says about people could be causing rifts in civil society, even leading some to fear for their lives, while her supporters are unwittingly supporting the same views that they claim to not care about. It does make me wonder, even if she’s already rich, could it be effective to 

Interesting to note, this policy seems to run in line with the ‘get your politics out my game’ tantrums. A lot of people have covered in the past that video games are inherently political and cultural impact plus current political climate are things that should be discussed along with games. I get why the ban

Considering the only black character in the books has the last name Shacklebolt, I can’t tell if this is a joke or sincere.