
I still think GBA and even GBC have held up better than almost anything from that era. They’re just so charming and so many of the games really lean into looking good in pixel art. Heck, Golden Sun is still impressive and it was a 3D-like game on the GBA! It even managed to make the GBA sound good, which is a miracle

I think a big help to DOOM and it’s family (Wolfenstein 3D before it, DOOM II after it, the games that use the engine like Heretic and Hexen and all the myriad of games beyond them, like Unreal, and even, ugh, Duke Nukem) were helped a lot by also being shareware, having access to netplay VERY early (definitely before

Well that’s just embarrassing.

Wait until they find out there are people born with both a penis and ovaries. Oh right, they know, they just don’t care cause they’re assholes.

Playing it on Switch (it doesn’t have modern controls on Switch).

You know what DID age well? Perfect Dark.

Going beyond what a lot of people have said, I honestly believe that you can lump most 1990s FPS games into pure nostalgia that aren’t the original DOOM.

I’m glad you got to enjoy them. I’m actually always a little grumpy that I can’t play N64 games (despite trying really hard the past year or so to experience more of the library).

I’m not saying they weren’t, or that I wouldn’t prefer to play with modern, dual-stick controls. I’m just saying, growing up that was my first shooter, and the N64 controller was the only one I really used until the next generation, so I didn’t think there was a better way and I got gud. I can acknowledge they’re bad

That makes sense. I started using TCP/IP over the phone when I was pretty young, and I was putting PC’s together by the time I was 4 or 5 (original x86 family that gave the name), so I suppose that’s another bit of cultural impact I just can’t relate to. I’d be dialing a modem to play DOOM multiplayer or over the LAN

I think one big factor was that it was a significantly more accessible option for playing an FPS with other people, especially for young people at the time. There were too many barriers to playing an FPS with friends on a PC. For Goldeneye on the other hand, you just needed someone with an n64 and some controllers to

Definitely largely nostalgia. I grew up on Goldeneye and Perfect Dark and every time I go back to them I’m always struck by how clunky they are. Some old games have aged far better and their core gameplay has held up remarkably well. But not this one. Honestly I think a lot of people forget how rough a lot of early 3D

Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask were my least favorite when they came out and only ever have been unseated by the DS games and the awful remake of Link’s Awakening on the Switch as my least favorite in the series.

I’m not even a newer generation and I can’t play it with its controls. They were bad back then, too.

The XBLA version is out there and fan patched and quite great. You don’t even need a super powerful computer to emulate it. 

Of course it’s all games on the N64 that are looked upon fondly.

I wish someone would update GoldenEye 007 (or just release the finished XBLA remaster) to incorporate modern controls so that newer generations can experience it with less friction. NGL though, I still have that N64 muscle memory. I’ve revisited it on original hardware several times the past quarter century (oh fuck…)

Yeah fair. Like, I love Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time to death but to someone who didn’t play them in the 90s it’s harder to recommend. The SNES games, on the other hand, are still great.

You’ve got a deep commitment to this very odd bit, I’ll give you that.

Okay, who let this dipshit out of the greys?