
They also told another person who accepted their refund that GuliKit has told them there’s a revision coming to fix this stuff but...yeah that potential for trust was barely there to begin with and now is pretty much nonexistent. We’ll see.

Just got the notices from Amazon that AKNES has filed a refund. They’ve actually been quite fantastic about the whole affair and seem incredibly embarrassed with the position that GuliKit has put them in.

booo that totally sucks. but, if they’re a chinese company.. there’s a chance that they just might be coming back from the major holiday and are slowly catching up to the backlog of stuff from the past 15 days. Hopefully it’s just that.

No response after I accepted their refund offer so who knows.

I’m genuinely disappointed, I was really hoping these sticks would be worth the wait and the price, but, given GuliKit’s track record on quality, I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised.

I was really hoping to come to these with neutral reviews at worst, and

makes sense. im glad i got to read your experience. you pretty much just saved me time and money.

You and I both know that the way “cancel culture” is used by guys like Spencer deliberately ignores people like Quinn. And you're a damn coward trying to lump them in with "the internet hurt my precious white man feefees." Take a seat.

AKNES responded to my review offering a full refund:

Rowling is friends with literal neo-Nazis, as in has lunch dates with them.

It’s almost like laying off their entire engineering and networking division, including the security engineers (and me), in August-November had a totally inevitable and easily predictable outcome or something.

Elon Says It’s ‘Absurd’ to Think His Tweets Could Impact Tesla Stock

so.. kinja sucks and I simply am not able to load all pending comments (it just defaults back to community and will not show the pending side, even if you click on show all replies..)

Thank you. I’ll go hunt for it and take a read. I’m glad I asked about this because I really did not want to spend 30 dollars to get a different set of issues.

No, this is cringe.

I imagine Phil is super hurt while he rolls around in his bonus money.

Fuck this guy and all middle management types who feel so bad for having to let you go. This is seriously triggering.

Microsoft only had a net income of $72.7B for 2022, so I can see how they just couldn’t possibly afford to keep those people employed.

if you’re a massively wealthy person with an enormous and global platform from which to speak, and you choose to spend that time fighting queer people on the Internet in ways that get them harassed and chased away from their livelihoods by trolls, then yeah you are selling away people’s dignity through manipulation.

Ha, yeah really lets get some articles about how ‘Layoff Culture Strikes Again As Company Unjobs Thousands”.

Whenever I hear somebody prattling about “cancel culture” I just roll my eyes they believe in that fucking hoax. Nobody picks up a book and thinks “Will the Tumblr kids approve of my purchase?”