
It’s hard to get excited for a Blizzard product nowadays, but damned if my primitive numbers-go-up lizard brain isn’t trying.

Leaks everywhere!

*Finally going to get into 3 since I found it new at some weird outlet mall for 5 dollars. Figured Blizz ain’t seeing any of those dollarydoos.

The author didn’t create the racism in the game. The only way things get better is through discussion and societal change. At least she’s part of the solution to a problem she didn’t create.

There’s tons of racism and bigotry existing within the player base of the game, I think tackling this conversation is important, the only one stirring up division seems to be you.

But it is...

Its disheartening to read many of the comments. So many of them have such terrible understanding of what they’re actually advocating for

So real question for you...

what, you mean, ur telling me, that people are mad that something they love has racist roots?? say it ain’t so boobsandbacon.

So, if they cant fix every hole dont bother fixing any?

it’s a little annoying, but ultimately, i’m paid to be here and these folks are out here opinion-ing for free, so that always makes me feel a little better.

It must be infuriating to do your job (very well, I might add) and spend the time and thoughtfulness that went into this article only to have dweebs make a snarky unfunny comment that also completely misses any point brought up in the article.

Not at all surprised by the comments on an article about a nerdy thing being racist/having racist undertones

“this issue doesn’t affect me personally, so it shouldn’t affect anyone personally” sure is a take 

u do realize that this is my job and i dedicate my 9-5 to this lmao.

you are literally trying to reason me into saying “killing in fantasy rpgs is fine if someone is Born Evil” so uh maybe yeah, we don’t need to have this “discussion”

i have never once rp’d in a game where my actions did not have consequences lmao like not once

we live in the real world, and no fantasy exists in a vacuum, thinking that there are simple, easy compartments for fantasy vs reality where this is absolutely no bleed at all is ridiculous when media is such an important part of our storytelling tradition like, as a species.

this book exists in the real world, is played by people in the real world, and has analoges to real world cutlures, which D&D openly admits. it’s less about specifics of a fantasy world/setting (like dragonlance) and much more about the prescriptive nature of fantasy rules that embody stereotypes and racial codes for

“aren’t you changing the whole point of a type of creature which is actually intended to be biologically a persistent threat to other species?”

the point i’m trying to make is that by marking entire races as Evil, it gives others license to kill them without moral compunction. it’s less about being Good and more about assigning monolithic inherent badness to an entire species/race of sentient creatures.