
Jeryyk’s really attached to their ‘middle of the road’ crap that seems to always defend and excuse racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, etc., etc.,… (and defending billionaires, too)

Just not into men, bears or otherwise. 


That which was never alive cannot die. 

They do hate the Palestinians more, but Zionism was partly created to excuse anti-Semitism in nations like the US and partly to try and stop Jewish peoples immigrating to the nations like the US.

Ban ads for medications. Completely. 

Gonna be hilarious when they lose money on these. 

“Starfield Ghosted At The 2023 Game Awards”

Sephorith with the ‘bodacious beach bod’ (honestly sounds like Zack).

Hah. Spider-Tofu. I like it. 

Please don’t fix the bug I have with one of Miles’ suits that turns him into a tiny white textureless bounding box. It’s hilarious and I’d dearly miss the adventures of Spider-Box.

I wonder if folks like this do know somewhere, deep down, that everything is to some extent political, or if they really are that insulated from political opinions and things they disagree with by their privilege of being ‘the default’ for so many years that they genuinely don’t understand that.

Either way, the “I miss

It’d be really nice if there was an easier (or even functional) way of getting my screenshots and recordings onto my PC from my PlayStation without a garbage social media account, neither of which I have. The mobile app hasn’t let me download them for months now. 

As if you could ever discuss a subject like tech or tech news honestly without ever touching on politics (everything is influenced by political beliefs and politics anyway), but these are the idiots who think there are only two genders and that they’re male or political when it comes to their movies and games and TV. 

Not for me, no. But if you do turn off an ad-blocker here the site becomes a clusterfuck of ads covering the screen and forcing the page to reload.


YouTube is just as unusable with ads as… well, this site, or Fandom wikis.

Good riddance. 

I’m shocked, shocked, that another company run by a Nazi has a bigotry problem.