I really loved the Wii U Pro Controller. Especially that part where it wasn’t weirdly tied to being plugged into a WiiMote (the WiiMote just being a weird, useless tumor aside from providing the connectivity).
glares at the Wii
I really loved the Wii U Pro Controller. Especially that part where it wasn’t weirdly tied to being plugged into a WiiMote (the WiiMote just being a weird, useless tumor aside from providing the connectivity).
glares at the Wii
Even worse, the little C-Stick...nubbin...on the New! Nintendo 3DS :|
Why, Nintendo, why?!
The weirdest thing for me is the insistence that every Nintendo console ever after the GameCube must have one (and yes I know it’s mostly for Smash, but I don’t get Smash, either). Why is this game series still designed for a controller that should have died before it lived at all (or at least with the console that it…
I agree completely on the N64 part!
And the problem with the GameCube controller is all me. I can’t understand people who like it, but I don’t have to.
At worst, I can actually mostly map the GameCube controls onto a much more modern layout controller and use that instead (I just can’t with the triggers and the face…
I’ve never been too fond of any controller, but the layout of the GameCube has always been extremely frustrating to me. I’d never owned an N64, I found the controller completely unusable the second I touched one (and I’d already used far better before it), and I’d had access to a PlayStation analog controller long…
I get hand cramps just looking at any of the GameCube controller variants, and my hands are not too particularly large in any way.
My favorite game of theirs is still Chrono Trigger, and I don’t see them making anything nearly as interesting ever again.
Square in the mid to late 90s was also just a very different company.
It is Square Enix, who are happily still trying to push NFT’s as game features and just cancelled like 4 of their new “live service” games in a row. They don’t have a shred of self awareness about how they’re treating FF7, an anti-capitalist eco-terrorism game where their spinoffs are gleefully using “Shinra Bucks!”…
Try out EmuDeck!
Is it, though?
I have yet to ever meet someone who didn’t hate it almost as much as the N64 controller.
Don’t you all have phones?
In a car?
Streaming only?! (well there goes using it most of the US)
In 2026?!
In this economy?!
With obligatory ads?!
I do work on EmuDeck, and it’s a constant discussion about the ethical problems around using libretro’s...products.
I’ll never forgive them for the horrible things they’ve done and continue to do.
libretro and its asshole lead harassing, threatening, and abusing all of the emulator devs out there also doesn’t help at all.
That’s pretty insulting to Strange Days.
Oh, the coop is definitely janky. I don’t do PvP at all, though. That’s my problem. Seamless coop overhauls the coop system and makes it much better, but it’s still a buggy mess and you can’t use it with From’s servers.
From really needs to take a page out of the mod community and rethink their coop.
We can criticize the rich, parasocial relationships, Twitch, etc., without being weird, sexist jerks in the comments, right?
,...apparently not.
Waste of an update for me, but I hope this makes the PvP folks happy. I’d like it if they fixed the coop.
The Seamless Coop mod is better but it’s still really flawed.
I got laid off 2 months ago.
There’s no jobs left in the market, nearly 30000 people in my field got laid off in the last 3 months alone.