
God forbid it be for horny girls who like girls.

(Not saying the kinda awful wlw stuff that panders to straight boys doesn’t suck, it does)


The thing is, he already has, and so have his most faithful rubes. Greene, Tucker, Gaetz, et all, have been openly calling for a violent insurrection and the murder of ‘the libs’ on cable TV for weeks.

I get credible violent threats, including rape and murder threats on FB all of the time.

Those “aren’t against community guidelines”, but how dare I say something vaguely negative about men. That gets me bans all of the time.

There’s a reason some people are pushing for GRSM (Gender, Romantic, Sexual Minorities).

I bought it, I liked it.

The only thing that really hurt was when games just didn’t really start coming for it later on. The first party titles were great but were few and far in between and there just wasn’t much coming beyond that.

Super Mario Maker especially excelled with the GamePad.

I’m torn, because rainbow capitalism sucks. Just slapping a rainbow or Pride flag colors on a product and selling it isn’t exactly great; meanwhile, a public notice of support while also actually putting money where their mouth is (those donations to supportive non-profits) is actually supportive.

That said, I want

Generally, Paragon. I’ve never been able to play the ‘bad’ side of anything.

That may partially be because the ‘bad’ side is just so laughably moustache twirling silly sometimes.

.....3 more weeks?!??!


In contrast to Returnal, I thoroughly enjoyed Hades.

I very much regret buying the digital version of the game. Despite the endless crashes, save corruptions, and so on, Sony will not refund the game (despite their refund policy stating they will refund if the game is faulty, they flat out blocked me from filing a request to refund the game after I talked to an agent

Reportedly, Netflix cut ties with him when this came out but by then his work on Castlevania for S4 was already done, at least, according to what I can find so far.

The single most important question:

Do the dinosaurs have feathers?

Circle to confirm and Cross to cancel are generally on the Japanese and non-US PlayStation consoles.

US PlayStation consoles and games usually use Cross to confirm and Circle to cancel and have done so ever since the beginning on the PSX.

Hooray for regional confusion!

This was actually a problem on the PSP and Vita

That the Nintendo controllers keep ‘A’ (the ‘do this’ button) on the right but that the XBOX and PlayStation controllers keep the ‘A’/’cross’ (‘do this’) button on the bottom drives me up the wall every time I switch.

Thankfully, XBOX lets you swap buttons around.

Personally, I’m more accustomed to the bottom

I watched it. The plot is kinda silly, but I genuinely enjoyed it.

Then again, that’s largely because I enjoyed watching Kano get shit on the whole time.

I see absolutely no downside.

I can’t speak for the men but the wlw crowd is definitely all over Lady Dimitrescu. Or the other way around.

Big, strong, tall.....melts

Bold of you to think that would stop this thirsty lady even a little.