
That was very nice.

Aside from threat of head injury...that actually looks like a remarkably space-saving feature to have in a house...

I'm in my late twenties, have never flossed in my entire life, and brush my teeth twice a day. I've visited the dentist three times, total. I have never had any cavities and the only time I've ever experienced any trouble was when my top two wisdom teeth came in. Since I don't have the bottom set (and never will

For those who keep saying that making unlocking phones illegal is to keep people from walking out on their carriers with their subsidized phones without paying for them: That's what ETF (early termination fees) are for. Yes, those on top of the extra charges they add to your monthly charges far more than cover the

For those who keep saying that making unlocking phones illegal is to keep people from walking out on their carriers with their subsidized phones without paying for them: That's what ETF (early termination fees) are for. Yes, those on top of the extra charges they add to your monthly charges far more than cover the

A lot of the comments remind me of an episode of The Next Generation, titled Outcast. A planet the Enterprise is visiting happens to have a species made up of individuals with absolutely no gender. At least, that's what they say. Some of them are born with preferences towards being male or female, and they are

Tell me. How many Higgs Bosons do you see?

I miss Jim Henson.

I was looking for Flagg as well. He's also in Eyes of the Dragon and The Stand, for starters.

For all those complaining about no second stick...are you really that surprised? I meant, almost nothing uses that silly add-on, and if the 3DS didn't have one you can bet Nintendo isn't going to all of a sudden add one on to the DSi LL. It would require games to be written specifically to take advantage

You know one thing that I love?

Oreos have tasted disgusting since the 90's, which isn't saying much because I was still rather young at the time.

Who says we have to destroy ourselves? Our planet, solar system and galaxy have numerous uncountable ways of killing us instantly with no way of survival or prevention with modern technology. We've been extremely lucky so far.

Define living creatures...because plants are living creatures in my vocabulary.


What's stopping you from doing both at the same time? All you need is HDMI out, which is rather common these days,.

I've heard all of these things (and used to hear them very regularly), and I'm 25. I guess that makes me 'old'.

Photoshop contest?