
Again? You mean it stopped? When?

I'm depressed that so much of modern culture is obsessed with fantasy creatures like vampires dating young teenage girls and other such trash when there isn't a single space show on TV this season :/ NASA could really use a boost in public attention.

None of us supported that man or anything he did. We do, however, find it wrong to celebrate ANY death. Do we mourn him? Not really, but we also don't think we should all be dancing on his grave. Life is still life, and death is still death.

My first thought when I read this article was a response to 'it came from ouuuuter spaaaaaace!':

Two letters. N. O.

Ah, but AT&T -IS- Ma Bell. Microsoft was broken up too. Both are still alive and well and growing exponentially. Granted, Microsoft no longer seems to want a monopoly. AT&T, on the other hand, has been swallowing everything back up left and right in order to dominate the market. Not only that, but they just so happen

But...but...starships entering warp inside of a planet's atmosphere?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

It's a very well made app in terms of appearance in general, the UI is slick and the pictures are pretty detailed. Unfortunately you can't really explore much; the app seems to be somewhat limited when it comes to the choices of what you're allowed to look at.

I hate that stuff and the liquid nacho cheese crud or cheese whiz. Those things are all fake and disgusting.

Ah, I never watched it but have been thinking about seeing it. I just might now.

What show is that, I am now intensely curious. I don't watch tv anymore.

While Charisma is still looking decent, just her being casted in something should tell you it is going to be horrendous.

That would be because limburger cheese is made with the same bacteria that makes your feet stink!

<3 eating honeycomb, it's incredibly tasty.

Unfortunately I type faster than I think/talk.

Because NBC/Comcast is so weak..

If I'm not mistaken the main difficulty with widespread voice control is the same problem that computers have with recognizing faces and other things the human brain is very good at but so far computers are very bad at. Technically speaking there is a lot of different range when it comes to spoken languages involving

I agree that the WiiMote in general was a pita to use, even in games where you could eschew the motion controls entirely. The darn thing never seemed to respond to it's buttons very well.

That's almost precisely my process.

I hate it when I used to actually talk to people on the internet and they would get extremely offended when I typed anything nearing an appropriately constructed pair of sentences. Not even a paragraph, just two simple sentences.