Angelina Lonely

feeling smug about not being "killable by any man"

Richard Pryor was a fucking genius. I've never held swearing against a comedian. It's just a tool, like any other tool. You want to perform without swear words? Bless your heart and I hope you do well. But that just makes you a different comedian, not a superior one. It's just one piece of the picture.

He hated Richard because he 'worked dirty.'

I dunno, I think Jackman as Wolverine has probably been the most consistent piece of the franchise. He's had shit storytelling and writing to work with, for sure, but I think he's actually been pretty reliably good as the character. That the character's been featured in a lot of really terrible movies isn't entirely

So you're just going to focus on grammar. K.

Exactly. It's really scary to see Jezebel tearing Patricia Arquette down when there so many other real targets out there. This is why people make fun of the site.

Be quiet, the white women are speaking.

Ally to who though? She's a woman. She was being a ally to herself, and other women are saying, Ummmm...hold on, maybe you want to take a step back and (1) not marginalize people who are on your side and (2) not be a shitty asshole to people who have, in fact, been an ally to you.

I'm sorry, I didn't know white women were perfect and never wrong about anything. Everyone else should just shut the fuck up when the Patricia Arquette's of the world are talking because it's wrong to hold her accountable for her words.

it's also the same slap in the face that she herself was trying to complain about: it was a big You're Welcome For Your Rights, the same fucking shit men do all the time- you're welcome we let you do feminism, and completely disregarding all the work women have done.

[don't kill me for taking this out of the greys]

they see a separation/difference first, and a connection/similarity second. they do not consider WOC their peers, on a really deep, visceral level.

like i honestly see their point, but what happened was a real peek of the deeply ingrained view that what america has: a Woman is white, heterosexual and cisgendered. That is the kneejerk, no thought, chiseled in stone idea that society has taught them. it shows that white america, and in this instance, white women,

Sometimes Twitter IS perfection.

It's sad how many people on here congratulated her as if she made one of the best speeches ever and when people rightfully pointed out the flaws, people got very defensive. Yet another example of white feminists being rewarded for minimal effort. Meanwhile there are dozens of think pieces criticizing Beyonce for

there are no queer women or woc

"It's OK everyone - she's talking about equal wages, who cares that it's condescending and marginalizing, it's all for the greater good. Everything is not about race!" - all the enraged White Feminists when Clover posted about this.

I preferred Christian Bale in Birdman Begins and its sequels.

I certainly hope you don't vote or consider yourself a fan of the mainstream US history, because if you are either of those things you are a hypocrite. The truly violent people have always been the white folks in charge, and only racist people critique the response of those who live under the boot of oppression.

in anti-racist circles, he is already a hero.