Angelina Lonely

See, I would assume he would drink anything, no matter how shitty. I mean, can he even taste booze at this point? Show me Martha Stewart sipping your liver-pickler and I'm in. An endorsement from Keifer just makes me think your bottle is the easiest to hold while driving.

Freddie seems more trustworthy to me than Keifer. He was on Psych. It was awesome.... That is all

Numbers always lead to pain you say?

You wrongly equate moral (good) behavior with scientific and social progress, which is what I assume you are using to gauge human intelligence. Not only are these concepts utterly unconnected, it presupposes a horrifically ethnocentric viewpoint on human intelligence. Are humans living in "corrupt" and

I doubt it.


This experiment illustrates why Artificial Intelligence will never out perform human intelligence. The "moral hypocrisy" exposed in this experiment showcases the human brain's flexibility and adaptability for dealing with paradox. Participants believed themselves to be good (fair) yet did bad (unfair) actions to

I do wonder how many people participate in these tests knowing, or at least guessing, at what the test is measuring and performing accordingly.

Hell yes! Fuck the haters! I have immensely enjoyed the last five Middle-Earth movies, and I don't expect I will be disappointed with the final one. Adding a badass female elf was great. Weaving Legolas into the Hobbit journey was great. I can't wait to see how things come together using the unfinished tales and

It got rubbing at my goosebumps! Can't wait!

Ngggh. Can't wait.

Sure, run along kid, the grownups need to talk.


I see what you're saying. For me, I feel like everything they release about themselves as a couple is so controlled, I don't believe I'm actually getting any insight into who they are as a couple, so they still come across as very private (not that I deserve it—I'm NOT saying I desevere to know that information).

I think that they've very seriously undermined their status as "very private couple" in the last couple of years. I'm not saying they're famewhoring out their personal moments to a Kardashian level or anything, but I do think that people keep calling them "intensely private" out of habit more than accuracy — it's a

I think they are private about their relationship in that they rarely give details about how things work in their home, unlike other people (say, Kanye and Kim and Will and Jada - no shade). They are a husband and wife on tour who showed a brief video of their wedding. I don't think it negates the privacy of their

I saw their show in Chicago last week. Anyone saying they're dropping hints on their tour about the failed state of their marriage just isn't paying attention. The entire concert is basically a soundtrack to the movie that plays behind them the whole time. The songs narrate the course of the couple's doomed

Much quiet. Such silent. So projecting it on screen and on documentary. Wow.